Navigating Health and Wellness in Our Prime: The Peak Immunity Advantage

As members of the baby boomer generation, we’ve seen the world transform in countless ways. We’ve been pioneers of change, witnessed the digital revolution, and now, as we embrace the prime of our lives, we’re turning our pioneering spirit towards something deeply personal: our health and wellness.

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The journey through our golden years is an adventure, one that’s as much about maintaining our health as it is about enjoying the freedom these years bring. But let’s face it, staying healthy and vibrant requires a bit more effort now than it did in our younger days. This is where the power of informed choices comes into play, particularly in selecting health supplements that are tailored to our specific needs. Enter Peak Immunity, a product designed with the understanding that our generation is not looking for just any solution, but the right one.

The Importance of Immune Support

As we age, our immune system requires more robust support to function optimally. It’s not just about avoiding the seasonal cold anymore; it’s about ensuring our bodies can withstand whatever comes our way, enabling us to enjoy every moment to its fullest. Peak Immunity offers this support, combining Vitamin C, Curcumin, and Frankincense to create a powerhouse of immune-boosting benefits.

Tailored for the Baby Boomer Generation

What sets Peak Immunity apart is not just its ingredients, but its understanding of our generation’s unique needs. We’re a group that values authenticity, efficacy, and transparency. We want products that deliver on their promises without compromising on quality or our principles.

Powerful Immune Support

With a blend of natural ingredients known for their immune-enhancing properties, Peak Immunity is crafted to support our body’s natural defenses. Vitamin C is a well-known ally in this fight, but when paired with the anti-inflammatory benefits of Curcumin and the holistic properties of Frankincense, the result is a supplement that doesn’t just support the immune system but enriches our overall well-being.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Inflammation is a common concern as we get older, often manifesting in joint pain or other chronic conditions. The inclusion of Curcumin and Frankincense in Peak Immunity addresses these concerns directly, offering a natural way to reduce inflammation and promote comfort and mobility.

Enhanced Absorption with PureCell Technology

What truly distinguishes Peak Immunity is its PureCell absorption technology. It ensures that the beneficial compounds in these ingredients are efficiently absorbed by our bodies, maximizing their impact. This technology addresses a common frustration among our generation: the concern that not all supplements are as effective as they claim to be.

Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle

Incorporating Peak Immunity into our daily routine is more than just about taking a supplement; it’s about embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes health and wellness. It’s a commitment to ourselves, to enjoy our years with vigor, vitality, and resilience.

A Testament to Quality and Trust

We understand the value of trust, especially when it comes to health. Peak Immunity is more than just a product; it’s a promise—a promise of quality, efficacy, and integrity. It’s designed for those of us who demand the best for our bodies, ensuring that we can continue to live our lives to the fullest, with the health to enjoy every adventure that comes our way.

Joining the Wellness Journey

As we navigate these prime years of our lives, the choices we make today can significantly influence our quality of life tomorrow. Choosing Peak Immunity is a step towards ensuring those years are as vibrant and fulfilling as we’ve always imagined them to be.

The journey of health and wellness is ongoing, but with the right tools and resources, we can face it with confidence and grace. We invite you to join us on this journey, to explore the benefits of Peak Immunity, and to embrace the wellness lifestyle that allows us to thrive.

With this product line Exclusive only to Electi, we believe that Electi is going to be the next Billion Dollar Networking company and we would Love to have YOU on our Team. You can always learn a little more about who we are and what we are all about by visiting our personal site at We are Super Excited about Electi and the Pure Cell Technology and we are Super Serious about Your Success with our team. Please take the time to educate your self on what is going on, how it can benefit You and How we can Help You to reach the Lifestyle that only few ever get to experience, we call it “The Simple Life”!
Join us Today with Club Electi and Simple Dream TEAM!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL on the Beaches of the World!

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream,
the Simple Dream TEAM with Dean and Dena

From Trials to Triumph: The Journey of a Network Marketer

In the vast landscape of entrepreneurship, network marketing stands out as a path filled with potential, promise, and, undoubtedly, challenges. It’s a journey that beckons the bold, the dreamers, the relentless seekers of success. Yet, what often goes untold is the profound depth of resilience required to navigate this path. This is a story about such a journey—a narrative that mirrors the undulating hills and valleys of life itself, aiming to inspire those who find themselves at crossroads, uncertain if the path ahead is worth the struggle.

Meet Jordan, a complex character embodying the spirit of countless network marketers. Jordan’s journey into the world of network marketing was fueled by a desire not just for financial freedom but for a meaningful impact. Armed with ambition and the glow of early enthusiasm, Jordan stepped into this arena, only to be met with the harsh realities that often accompany the early stages of such ventures. Leads were as elusive as mirages, and the team that was supposed to be the backbone of Jordan’s dream seemed more like a fleeting shadow. Doubt, frustration, and the haunting question of “What if?” began to cloud Jordan’s vision.

However, Jordan’s story is not about succumbing to despair but about transcending it. In the face of adversity, Jordan realized that the true essence of network marketing—and indeed, of any significant endeavor—is not found in immediate success but in the journey towards it. This realization marked the beginning of a transformation, not just in strategy but in mindset.

Jordan dove headfirst into personal and professional development, understanding that to lead, one must first grow. Books, webinars, mentorship—every resource became a tool in rebuilding a foundation not just for a business, but for a legacy. Jordan began to share this journey, transparently and authentically, through social media, blogs, and team meetings. This vulnerability became Jordan’s strength, turning erstwhile trials into a powerful testimony.

The turning point came gradually, as true change often does. Leads began to respond, not just to the marketing strategies, but to the authenticity and resilience Jordan embodied. The team grew, not just in numbers, but in commitment and spirit. They were drawn together by a shared vision, one that was forged in the fires of Jordan’s own trials. This collective resurgence was more than just a business revival; it was a testament to the power of perseverance, belief, and the human connection at the heart of network marketing.

Jordan’s story, while unique, is not singular. It’s a narrative shared by many in the network marketing space who have faced their own valleys of doubt and mountains of challenge. What sets these stories apart is not the nature of their trials but the response to them. Jordan chose to view each obstacle as an opportunity for growth, a stepping stone towards a larger goal. This perspective shift is crucial, transforming potentially crippling challenges into powerful catalysts for change.

As Jordan’s network flourished, so did the impact on those it reached. The success became not just financial but deeply personal. Team members, inspired by Jordan’s journey, began to embrace their own challenges with a renewed sense of purpose and resilience. The network’s growth was a reflection of individual transformations, each member contributing their own unique story of trials turned into testimonies.

This narrative extends an invitation to all who find themselves in the throes of their own challenges within network marketing. It serves as a reminder that success is seldom a straight path but rather a journey marked by obstacles that are not barriers but bridges. Each trial faced with courage and resilience is an opportunity to write your own testimony, to inspire others, and to forge a legacy that extends beyond the confines of personal achievement.

In sharing this story, the message is clear: Embrace the journey, with all its trials and triumphs. Let your struggles be the soil from which your success grows. Network marketing, with its unique blend of personal development and professional growth, offers a canvas wide enough for the grandest of dreams. Yet, it demands a resilience tough enough to weather the storms.

To those embarking on this path, let Jordan’s story be a beacon. Your trials are but chapters in a larger story, one that you have the power to write. Approach each challenge not as a deterrent but as a catalyst for growth. Share your journey, not just the highlights but the struggles too, for it is in vulnerability that true connection is forged.

In the end, the journey of network marketing is about much more than financial success. It’s about the transformation that occurs when you choose to face your trials with determination and hope. It’s about the lives you touch and the legacy you build. So, to all the Jordans out there, know this: Your test is your testimony. Embrace it, share it, and let it light the way not just for yourself but for those who follow.

In this vast, interconnected world of network marketing, remember that your story has power—the power to inspire, to motivate, and to change lives. Let’s turn our trials into triumphs, our stories into stepping stones for others to follow. Here’s to the journey, to the challenges that shape us, and to the victories that await.

Throughout our venture into the Network Marketing world, we’ve encountered numerous “Tests” that demanded we summon our inner strength to persist and chase our aspirations. In these moments of trial and adversity, we’ve forged some of our most compelling “Testimonies,” both personally and within our team. Such experiences shape the voyage, defining who we truly are and distinguishing the committed from the merely curious. Let us guide you in “Turning Your Test into Your Testimony.” Draw upon our knowledge and expertise to break free from the mundane cycle of everyday life and discover your genuine enthusiasm and happiness in Network Marketing. We have been done that, rode in that rodeo, and got that T-shirt, enabling us to steer you clear of the common pitfalls that ensnare so many.

It’s Your Turn, It’s Your Time and Today is the Day—Today Marks the Beginning of Your Exciting Journey!

If You would like to know more about what we do, how we do it and most importantly How it can benefit YOU, then please reach out to us and lets connect. Let us help you develop a plan and map out a strategy that can Help You realize that Dream Life you want so badly. You can always learn more about what we do by visiting our personal website at You can connect with us via Facebook by clicking here, or shoot us an email or Something, Just reach out cause we are here to Help. We have a plan and we can get you started if you just make a move.

We can’t wait to meet You ALL, on the beaches of the world.

Ever Onward! cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream,
the Simple Life with Dean and Dena

Boundless by Design: Unleashing the Power of Unlimited Potential

In the quiet moments of reflection, have you ever gazed up at the night sky, awestruck by its vastness? It’s a profound reminder that the universe is boundless, stretching far beyond the limits of our imagination. This infinite expanse is not just a characteristic of the cosmos but a mirror reflecting our own untapped potential. It’s a call to action, a whisper in the wind urging us to break free from the shackles of our self-imposed limitations and embrace the infinite potential within us.

The concept of being limitless is not just a fanciful notion; it’s the very essence of our existence. Too often, we confine ourselves to the familiar, the comfortable, fearing the unknown that lies beyond our comfort zones. But what if we dared to step beyond the threshold? What if we viewed each challenge not as a barrier but as a stepping stone towards our greater selves? The possibilities are as endless as the night sky, each star a beacon of hope, a testament to what could be if we only dared to dream bigger.

But dreaming is just the beginning. To live a limitless life, we must take action. It’s about making the conscious choice to push beyond our perceived boundaries, to learn from our failures, and to rise, again and again, stronger and more resilient. The path may not always be clear, and there will be times when the obstacles seem insurmountable. Yet, it is in these moments of struggle that our true potential is forged. Like the vast universe, our journey is ever-expanding, filled with endless opportunities for growth, discovery, and transformation.

The image of a solitary figure gazing up at the twilight sky, enveloped in an aura of inspiration, serves as a powerful metaphor for this journey. It reminds us that within each of us lies the power to reach heights unknown, to illuminate the darkest of nights with the light of our aspirations. The horizon before us is not a limit but a gateway to endless possibilities, inviting us to explore the depths of our potential.

So, as we stand at the precipice of tomorrow, let us take a deep breath and step forward with courage and conviction. Let us embrace the boundless opportunities that await, with the knowledge that we are not defined by our past nor constrained by our present. Our potential is as limitless as the universe itself, waiting only for us to reach out and grasp it.

In our latest blog, “Beyond the Sale: Crafting Dreams and Cultivating Teams in Network Marketing“, we’re all about finding the best in everyone and helping folks realize they’re in charge of their own stories. Whether things are going great or not so much, it’s important to remember you’ve got the power to change the narrative. Life shouldn’t be about just going with the flow, especially if it’s taking you places you don’t want to be. It’s time to grab life by the horns, take the pen back, and start writing a story you’re proud of—one filled with positivity, success, and making a difference in others’ lives. The past? It’s done. Today is what matters most, so let’s make it count.

We’re here to make a real difference, to lift people up and show that there’s always a way to make things better. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about improvement, supporting one another, and finding joy in the journey.

We’d love to chat with you about where you’re at now and where you dream of being. What are your big goals? Let’s talk about how we can help you reach them. You’re in the driver’s seat, and it’s time to hit the gas. Together, we can make your life’s next chapter as thrilling as an adventure novel, full of success, travel, and new friendships.

Curious about what we do and how we do it? Drop by our website, Get to know us and see how we might help steer you toward a brighter outlook and a solid plan for the future.

Can’t wait to meet You ALL on the beaches of the World! ! ! !

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Unveiling the Charm of AussieDoodles: Nana, The Perfect Blend of Intelligence, Affection and what an Attitude! We Love It!

Ever dream of having a dog that’s exceptionally intelligent, impeccably well-behaved, and incredibly lovable, sporting a uniquely shimmering and gorgeous red coat? ? Me too, welcome to the world of AussieDoodles, a captivating breed that brilliantly blends intelligence and affection. Explore the origins, characteristics, and reasons behind the rising popularity of these delightful sweet companions. This is what we fell in LOVE with, NANA!

Nana Harbin

Our journey into AussieDoodle origins starts with a visionary idea: to blend the intelligence of Australian Shepherds with the charm and hypoallergenic traits of Poodles.

Australian Shepherds and Poodles are carefully chosen as the building blocks for the AussieDoodle lineage, bringing unique strengths to the mix — herding instincts, sharp intellect, loyalty, hypoallergenic coat, trainability, and charm.

Purposeful crossbreeding aims to seamlessly combine these exceptional traits. The AussieDoodle emerges as a curated fusion of genetic characteristics, excelling in intelligence, adaptability, and forming deep connections with its human family.

The AussieDoodle’s origins reveal a breed crafted with intent — to offer a companion capable of adapting to diverse lifestyles, bringing joy, intelligence, and steadfast loyalty to its owners.

Going beyond being a hybrid, the AussieDoodle represents a thoughtfully designed blend, excelling in various roles, from working alongside farmers to being a loving presence in households.

The deliberate selection of Australian Shepherds and Poodles laid the groundwork for the AussieDoodle lineage. Each breed brought unique strengths to the table — the Australian Shepherd contributed its herding instincts, sharp intellect, and unwavering loyalty, while the Poodle introduced its hypoallergenic coat, high trainability, and undeniable charm.

With purposeful crossbreeding, breeders aimed to create a seamless blend of these exceptional traits. The AussieDoodle emerged not merely as a hybrid, but as a carefully curated fusion of genetic characteristics. This intentional mixing aimed not only to enhance physical attributes but also to create a companion that excelled in intelligence, adaptability, and an innate ability to form deep connections with its human family.

With purposeful crossbreeding, breeders aimed to create a seamless blend of these exceptional traits. The AussieDoodle emerged not merely as a hybrid, but as a carefully curated fusion of genetic characteristics. This intentional mixing aimed not only to enhance physical attributes but also to create a companion that excelled in intelligence, adaptability, and an innate ability to form deep connections with its human family.

The AussieDoodle transcends the label of a mere hybrid. It represents a thoughtfully designed blend of genetic traits, resulting in a unique and wonderful companion. Whether working alongside farmers, excelling in agility competitions, or simply being a loving presence in a household, the AussieDoodle’s origins set the stage for a canine companion that is truly exceptional in every way.

Exploring the roots of AussieDoodles, we develop a deep understanding for the intentional development of a breed that transcends superficial qualities, providing a harmonious blend of intelligence, adaptability, and steadfast companionship. The AussieDoodle, born out of a visionary pursuit, stands as a testament to the art and science of responsible breeding.

Full blood Dad Poodle, and Gorgeous Red Color!
Beautiful full blood Mom Australian Shepherd with Awesome eyes!
Equals one Crazy Mutt named Nana!

We Abdsolutely LOVE our AusieDoodle, our Sweet NANA! ! ! She is Smart, Sassy and Very Loveable yet Very Vocal!
I think they said it best in “The Perfect Blend of Cra Cra, Sweetness and Attitude and Smart! That’s our Nana our AussieDoodle Love!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Unlocking Success: The Crucial Role of Duplication in Network Marketing Growth

Welcome to the Gateway of Success: Navigating the Power of Duplication in Network Marketing. In the dynamic world of network marketing, the key to unlocking unprecedented success lies in the implementation of a duplicable system. This blog explores the critical components and strategic insights behind building a scalable roadmap for your network marketing venture. Join us as we delve into the significance of defining processes, mapping candidate pathways, and embracing scalability. Discover how a well-crafted duplicable system can not only amplify your team’s efficiency but also position you for long-term prosperity in the ever-evolving landscape of network marketing. Let’s embark on a journey where simplicity meets exponential growth, and success becomes a sustainable reality.

Duplication is a key concept in network marketing, and it refers to the process of replicating successful actions and strategies within a network marketing organization. The importance of duplication in network marketing can be understood through several key benefits:

Scalability: Duplication allows a network marketing organization to scale rapidly. When successful actions and strategies are duplicated by team members, the overall productivity and growth of the network increase exponentially. This scalability is crucial for achieving long-term success and expanding the reach of the business.

Consistency: Duplication helps maintain consistency in the approach and messaging across the entire network. Consistency is important for building a strong brand and establishing trust with customers. When team members duplicate proven methods, it ensures that the company’s values and message remain consistent.

Training Efficiency: Duplication simplifies the training process. Instead of each team member having to come up with their own strategies from scratch, they can follow established and successful practices. This reduces the learning curve for new members and allows the organization to focus on refining and improving existing methods.

Time and Effort Savings: By duplicating effective strategies, network marketers save time and effort. Replicating successful processes eliminates the need for constant reinvention and experimentation. Team members can leverage what already works, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their business, such as customer acquisition and relationship building.

Empowerment: Duplication empowers team members by providing them with a proven roadmap to success. When individuals see that others have achieved success by following a particular system, it instills confidence and motivation. This empowerment can lead to increased enthusiasm and dedication within the team.

Resilience to Individual Challenges: Network marketing often involves facing rejection and challenges. Duplication helps create a resilient team because when one member encounters difficulties, others can offer support and guidance based on shared experiences. This sense of community and mutual assistance strengthens the overall network.

Leadership Development: Duplication is vital for leadership development within the network. As team members duplicate successful practices, they also learn leadership skills that can be passed on to their own teams. This leadership development is essential for the long-term sustainability and growth of the network marketing organization.

Success in network marketing hinges on a duplicable system—a clear, scalable roadmap for distributors. This involves defining the process, mapping the candidate pathway, and emphasizing scalability. Key components include standardized presentations, physical and online tools, mass-market prospecting, a quantified candidate pathway, and standardized new member orientation. By prioritizing simplicity and duplication, one can out-earn competitors, even those with more advantages. For leaders creating systems, regular review and simplification are crucial for sustained success and exponential growth.

We constantly work on our system for duplication because it is The Most IMPORTANT Factor in your level of success in Network Marketing. It’s not what “Works” for some that builds big Teams and Tribes, it’s what “Duplicates” for anyone, any age, any skill level or any new member on the Team that really determines if your Team is growing, stagnant or even worse, dropping like flies. Create a “Culture of Duplication” and you can experience massive success with the Network Marketing business model.

Duplication truly is the Secret of Success! Just remember, it’s not what works, it’s what DUPLICATES! “Network Marketing isn’t a sales business, it’s a Teaching and Training business!” ~ Randy Gage

Come see what we are up to and how we are creating that culture of duplication with teaching and training that gets people moving and building their business. No guesswork here, we got a plan and it works for Anyone that is willing to try. You can always find us at and contact us from there anytime.

Can’t wait to meet You ALL on the beaches of the World! ! ! !

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

The Allure of Outcomes Over Embracing the Process

In today’s world, many people prefer the end result rather than putting effort into the steps along the way. To put it simply, most folks want to enjoy the outcome without actively participating in the process. Comedian Kevin Hart sums it up best, “Everybody wanna to be famous, but nobody wanna to put in the work.” It’s a great quote, but the reality is, you can’t be part of the “outcome” if you’re not willing to be part of the “process”.

Here’s a great example in the story of Sarah;

In a dynamic city filled with ambitious entrepreneurs, there was a determined individual named Sarah who ventured into the world of network marketing. While many in the industry were fixated on achieving rapid success and climbing the ranks, Sarah found fulfillment in the process of building genuine connections rather than solely focusing on the end results.

Launching her own network marketing business, Sarah prioritized forging authentic relationships over chasing immediate gains. She believed in the power of nurturing connections, understanding the needs of others, and offering valuable solutions. Her approach was about building a community, not just recruiting team members.

In the fast-paced world of network marketing, where success stories often highlighted quick achievements, Sarah remained committed to the journey. She took the time to mentor and support her team, fostering a culture of collaboration and growth. While others were consumed by the allure of rapid success, Sarah continued to focus on the process of personal and professional development.

As time went on, Sarah’s team thrived not only because of their financial gains but because they had become a close-knit network, supporting each other’s dreams and aspirations. The testimonials from Sarah’s team members spoke not only of financial success but also of personal growth, confidence, and a sense of belonging.

While some in the network marketing industry were solely fixated on the outcomes – reaching financial milestones and climbing the ranks – Sarah’s story underscored the importance of embracing the process. Her success wasn’t just measured in dollars earned but in the lasting impact she had on the lives of those she connected with.

In the world of network marketing, where the emphasis is often on rapid growth and immediate results, Sarah’s story serves as a reminder that true success is found not just in the destination but in the meaningful connections and personal growth experienced along the way.

Network Marketing has always been about building relationships with like minded people who share the same goals and inspirations in the market place. Too often we find newbies that just want to make the big bucks without wanting to participate in the process of building and supporting their Team, their Tribe or their network. Simply put, people want to be part of the outcome but not part of the process.

We LOVE the process and only want to work with those that share our vision and values that Network marketing is built on. If you are looking for “get rich quick” then Network Marketing is not your game. BUT, if you want to build a lifestyle that only few ever get to experience then you can do that in the next 2 to 5 years depending on your work ethic and motivation to succeed. But you need a Team or a Tribe to work with to keep you motivated and heading in the right direction. That’s what we do!

If you would like to know more about what we are up to and how it might benefit your journey for success in home business, please visit us on our personal website at or connect with us on Facebook by clicking here. You know our motto;

Simple Health, Simple Wealth and a Simple LIFE!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL on the beaches of the World!

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spredin the Love
Dean and Dena

Reflection, What Do You See?

A father and his young son were walking through the mountains when the son falls, hurting his leg on a rock. The young man screamed in pain and yelled out “AAhhh!” But to his surprise he heard a voice repeat his cry of ‘AAhhh!’ This of course made the young man very curious so yelled out “Who Are You?” and back came ‘Who Are You?’. Feeling a bit perturbed by this response, he yelled back “Coward” and sure enough came the reply ‘Coward’. Puzzled he looked at his father and asked “What is going on Dad?” and his father smiled and said ‘Son, pay attention”.

Looking across the valley, his father yelled to the mountain, “I admire You!” and the voice answered ‘I admire You!’ Again the father cried out “You Are a Champion” and the voice replied back ‘You Are a Champion”. The boy was Amazed but very confused so his father explained, “You are only hearing an echo, the sound of our voices bouncing back from the mountains. However this is how life really works, it returns to you what you think, say and do!”

Our lives are a Reflection of our thoughts and actions. If you want more love in your world, create more love in your heart. If you want to be treated with kindness then treat others with kindness. If you want more competence on your team be more competent in your play. This relationship applies to everything in all aspects of life. Life will give to you, everything you give to it, only it will give you even more in return.

Your life is never a coincidence because each moment is a Reflection of YOU!

The Universe knows, and recognizes, your thoughts and actions and reflects this back into your world. If you are a negative and skeptical person then the Universe will respond to you with a negative and skeptical life, or a Reflection of You. And so the opposite is true as well. If you are a positive and loving person that is always giving and sharing with others then the Universe will respond and Reflect in your world with positive and loving people and situations. Our world truly is a Reflection of what we spend our energy on in our own lives.

Reflection is defined as “The change in direction of a wave at a boundary between two different media, so that the wave moves back into the medium it came from.” And as such our lives are a Reflection of choices we make in our everyday habits that reflect the choices we make for that day. So if you want better results then you have to make better choices and change your habits that reflect on your life. It reminds me of the Michael Jackson song “The Man in the Mirror”. “I’m starting with the Man in the Mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways, and No message could have been any clearer, if you want to make the world a better place, Take a Look at Yourself and then Make That Change!” The Reflection is You!

Be a Reflection of what you Truly want in your life. If you want more Love then give more Love! If you want more truth, then be more truthful. What you give out, or put out into the Universe, will always return and Reflect into your life and those around you. Reflections start small but grow into Awesomeness over time. A Great Attitude can become a Great Mood, which becomes a Great Day, which becomes a Great Year, which becomes a Great LIFE! Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what we believe about ourselves, we can not outperform our level or self-esteem or draw unto us more than we think we are worth. We do not learn from experience but from Reflecting on our experience.

Reflection, What Do You See? Self reflection is a humbling process, it’s essential to learning why we Think, Say and Do certain things. It’s power is to reflect on our lives, choices and habits so we can learn to Better our self in the process. Reflection is the Power of the Universe to make us more of what we want in our lives and for others by Reflecting the Positive and Loving energy back to the Universe. It’s a Wonderful thing!

“It is on the strength of observation and Reflection that one finds a way, So We Must Dig and Delve Unceasingly!” ~Claud Monet

We invite you to connect with us and see what is possible to achieve in your journey of success. You can certainly learn a little more about us by visiting our personal website at or feel free to contact us via Facebook by clinking here now. You need a plan, a step by step guide to put you on the path to achieving your Dreams and Goals and We Can Help!

Can’t wait to meet You ALL on the beaches of the World! ! ! !

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

4 Things Your Prospects Need from You

There are few things you can do to build your business bigger and faster than “Prospecting”. The very term prospect means to “search out or look for”. In the world of Network Marketing the heart of your business is to “search out or look for” new business partners to build your TEAM. There are many different ways to do prospecting and we go through these in our Team Training in great depth. But today we want to discuss the “4 Things Your Prospects NEED from You”.

When you connect with a prospect there is always a certain amount of reservation or mistrust in the initial contact, No One likes to be sold and prospects aren’t any different. Even if you have a great funnel that introduces you and your business to someone and then encourages them to contact you for more info they will always do so with trepidation. It’s very hard to trust someone you don’t really know or have trust with. So there are certain qualities or aspects that your prospects need to receive from you so they can feel comfortable with considering you as a business partner. How you approach and connect with your prospect is going to make ALL the difference in how they respond to your offer.

These are the 4 areas you need to concentrate and express to your Prospect.

  1. Simplicity! 
  2. Consistency! 
  3. A Game Plan!
  4. Support! ! ! ! ! !

Simplicity is just what it implies. As you talk with a prospect they are always wondering if what you are offering is “Simple” enough for them to do it. Making your presentation as Simple to understand as possible is a very important aspect of prospecting. Your prospect wants to know “Does it work?”, “Can I do it?” and “Will You Help Me?”. So your presentation to your prospect needs to convince them that your business is So Simple that Anyone can do it and they can too. Keep it Simple by expressing an easy to understand business and process that makes your prospect feel comfortable in joining your Team. If they perceive that your business is complicated or hard to do then they will fear that it’s just not for them. Show them how Simple it is to get started, how Simple it is to get their business up and running and some Simple examples of others succeeding with your business. Making it Simple let’s your prospect know that they are capable of succeeding with you and your Team. We use the K.I.S.S. formula of Keep it Super Simple and You can KISS SUCCESS all the way to the bank.

Consistency is very important when dealing with prospects. I guarantee you they are going to search you out and see how “consistent” you are with your business and activity. Are you active on the Team? Do you promote and support your business and company? Have you been in 4 different businesses in the last 6 months? ? ? Being “consistent” and showing your prospects that you are not only there today but will be there tomorrow, next month and with them going forward is very important to creating trust with your prospects. You can do this in many ways but we find it works very well for us to produce content that prospects will find when they do “search us out”. Now not everyone is going to go out and blog or do videos and such but having content out there on social media sites and Youtube can create an image of a very consistent sponsor and create a better level of trust with your prospect. But remember, they want to know “Can I do this?” so make sure your content expresses a Simple way for them to Succeed with You and Your Team.

A Game Plan! This one item is what leads to more failure in Network Marketing than any other aspect. Do you have a game plan? This prospect is thinking to themselves “If I join, can you show me what to do?”. This doesn’t mean that you have to go out and create a detailed master plan for each and every prospect but you, OR your Team, need to have a “Plan of Action” that you can introduce to new team members to get them started with their new business. This also plays into the “Simple” aspect of prospecting. The better your game plan is to get new business members started the better your team and business will grow. Your prospect needs to know that you have a plan if they decide to join your team. Too often people join a Network Marketing business and their sponsor just throws them to wolves and says good luck. This leads to confusion and frustration with their new business and they drop out in the first month or so. Be Sure you have “A Game Plan” for them so they can feel comfortable about joining your Team!

And last but not least, SUPPORT! If your prospect is going to join your Team they need to know that you are going to be there for them as they get going. This does NOT mean that you have to hold their hand and do everything for them because that is a BIG mistake. Once they join they are going to have questions and want to know what to do next. This is where the “Simple” expression of “A Game Plan” and “Consistency” plays a role in their success. Support means that they can count on YOU to answer their questions and get them started. Support means that you are there for them when they need you and that you have a system that they can plug into and start their journey with their new business. This can easily be done on social media like Facebook by having a group page that your new members can plug into and find support from like minded and active Team members. Support doesn’t mean you are there to build their business it means that you are there to guide them along the journey. Prospecting is the life and soul of your Network Marketing business and one of the most important activities to the growth of your business. Mastering these “4 Things Your Prospects NEED from YOU” will help you build and grow your Team and create a better prospect for your business. Make it Simple for them to understand! Be “Consistent” in your presentation and Team activity so they know you are serious about helping them succeed. Have “A Game Plan” so they know that you can help them get started once they join your Team. And show them “Support” and love with a Team culture that makes them want to be a part of Your organization. Remember, all they want to know is “Does this work?”, “Can I do this?” and “WILL YOU HELP ME?”. If you can convince them you have a Simple, Consistent Game Plan that will Support them if they join then Your Team will Explode with growth.

We have structured the Simple Team with just these qualities so Everyone on our Team can prospect with confidence. It not only works for us but it also works for any and everyone that joins our Team. We are ALL about “Simple”! We are “Consistently” creating systems and content so you can prospect with confidence. We have “A Game Plan” that you and your new Team members can plug into to Get Started and grow your new business. And we offer massive “Support” to help you and your Team to grow and succeed with our “Home Biz” business model. We have done the homework, put together the tools and systems you need and we can Help You grow your TEAM!

If you would like to know more about what we are up to and how it might benefit your journey for success in home business, please visit us on our personal website at or connect with us on Facebook by clicking here. You know our motto;

Simple Health, Simple Wealth and a Simple LIFE!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL on the beaches of the World!

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spredin the Love
Dean and Dena

Do You Believe in Yourself?

A gentleman was walking through an elephant camp, and he spotted that the elephants weren’t being kept in cages or held by the use of chains. All that was holding them back from escaping the camp, was a small piece of rope tied to one of their legs.

As the man gazed upon the elephants, he was completely confused as to why the elephants didn’t just use their strength to break the rope and escape the camp. They could easily have done so, but instead they didn’t try to at all.

Curious and wanting to know the answer, he asked a trainer nearby why the elephants were just standing there and never tried to escape.

The trainer replied; â€śwhen they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

The only reason that the elephants weren’t breaking free and escaping from the camp was because over time they adopted the belief that it just wasn’t possible.

Moral of the story: No matter how much the world tries to hold you back, always continue with the belief that what you want to achieve is possible. Believing you can become successful is the most important step in actually achieving it.

So, what do you believe? Eleanor Roosevelt said “The Future belongs to those who Believe in their Dreams!” Another great quote is “Whatever You Believe, You Can Achieve” and this is So True. Your belief is the magic that convinces your mind that things are possible and You Can Do It! The subconscious mind will believe whatever you tell it and believe to be true. It’s a wonderful power to control your thoughts and actions. Even Henry Ford said “Whether You Believe You Can or believe you can’t, either way you are still right.” Are you going to be restrained by the limitations that hold you back? Like the elephants in the story we all let silly little beliefs hold us back from Greatness.

We all have this story that we tell ourselves about our ability to achieve success in life. If you constantly tell yourself that you can’t do it or you’re just not capable then you have convinced yourself of that truth and so it will be. But the opposite can also be true. If you constantly tell yourself that “Yes I Can Achieve Success and Greatness” then you are setting out an expectation that you are capable and worthy of success. Believing in Yourself is one of the greatest powers you can posse. It’s all in the story that you continue to tell yourself and believe to be truth.

If you believe that you can achieve it, then visualize what you believe as already true because you can do anything you set your mind to do if you are willing to do what it takes to get there. We always teach to “Commit, Educate and Act!”. Belief is a strong factor in the commitment to your goals. If you believe you can achieve your goals and dreams, and you are willing to commit to making it happen, then you are well on your path to success. But the opposite is also true if you don’t believe. If you believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible.

Belief is all in your head! Work on the story you constantly run through your thoughts. Create a vision that supports that story and builds your dream life. Commit to doing the things that are necessary to get there and educate yourself on the process. Then ACT! ! ! ! Take Massive Action to achieve your dreams and goals. Create a game plan and do the “Daily Activities” required to move your dreams forward. Daily Activities will make ALL the difference in your results and keep you moving forward and not just idling through the day. Commit, Educate and ACT! It all starts with Belief!

This is the magic in Network Marketing. We are Successful because we truly Believe that we are capable and we are willing to do the things necessary to Achieve True Success. So, What do You Believe? We would love to have a conversation with you about your Dreams and Goals. Let’s discuss what you want to accomplish and how you plan on getting there. Success is a science and science is created on fact, and these facts can create the Belief you need to be Successful. We have a step by step plan to help get you on the right path and moving forward if only You Believe that it’s possible.

We invite you to connect with us and see what is possible to achieve in your journey of success. You can certainly learn a little more about us by visiting our personal website at or feel free to contact us via Facebook by clinking here now. You need a plan, a step by step guide to put you on the path to achieving your Dreams and Goals and We Can Help!

Can’t wait to meet You ALL on the beaches of the World! ! ! !

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena


Dean and Dena


Changing Lives One Dreamer at a Time!

We have a Dream, a Dream so big and so inspiring that it’s just a little frightening. Not because of the fear of what might happen but because of the changelives2shear Magnitude of the results. See, we believe in Changing Lives! We believe that we are all summoned  to a higher calling in the service of others. People have become so self-serving and self-centered or somewhat selfish in wanting everything or expecting everything now. Some have lost the need and will to give to others in a way that might change someone’s life. When in reality, humanity is in great need of those willing to give and share without concern for a return on their effort. Giving is the Greatest Gift of all and Changing Lives is the best blessing you can ever experience. Changing Lives Changes Everything.

We have a Dream of helping people out of the struggle that has become everyday life for so many families. We have a Dream to Elevate others to a new sense of Health, Wealth and Happiness. Our dream believes that people can be Happier and live a fuller life if they just become aware of the power of the mind. Just becoming aware that you have the power to decide if you are going to be Happy or sad and learning how to control your thoughts by habits practiced everyday. New science proves that by changing some daily habits and being aware of your thought process can begin to change your level of Happiness and how you view your life. We believe that many people are in Great need of a brighter future and more meaning in their life so they can live that Happier and Fulfilled life we all really want.

We have a Dream of Truly Changing Lives and helping others to be more, do more and experience more out of life. Changing Lives by lifting people up out of the struggle so many people are living. The struggle of paying the bills and putting food on the table, the struggle of providing for their family and keeping them safe and well fed. Many struggle with health and basic coverage that is now required by law or penalized for not having it. People are in need of better health and nutrition to rise above the challenge of poor diet and fast food that leads to greater health challenges and cost. Families are struggling to make ends meet and keep everyone healthy and happy. We have a Dream to raise people up and help people to earn an extra income, live a healthier life and just be Happy. We believe in Changing Lives!

entrepreneur2We believe that there is a Better Way and we can share ideas and tools that anyone can use to Elevate their life. We believe that people are tired of the everyday life of a J.O.B. that they hate, trading hours for dollars that just barely meet the needs of their family. We believe that gone are the days of “Get a good job and retire in 40 years” to achieve the dream life. We believe that the formula for Happiness is all backwards and Happiness doesn’t come for working your life away to retire at age 65 and then be happy.  Success comes from first being Happy and doing something you Love so that you can retire early in life and have the resources to Enjoy helping others. We believe you are over worked and under paid and most people are Not Happy with what they do and how much they get for it. We believe that we can Change Lives through the Power of Network Marketing, it’s not perfect it’s Just Better.

We spent quite some time looking at all the different Network Marketing companies out there and even joining a few just to try their products and get a vibe of what they were doing and how. After a long search we chose to become Elevated Entpreneurs, because we believe that we are truly on a mission to help people Live with Passion and live a Simple LIFE. We are changing the way people look a LIFE by creating a Passion filled LIFE Full of Purpose. Changing Lives by lifting people up and helping them to create extra income, experience travel and finding greater happiness by helping others. We are Changing Lives by Helping Others to Change Lives by helping others. It’s a Glorious thing!

We have No Greater calling in life than to help others to rise up and live a better life. We can do this through the business of Network Marketing and showing people how to live a Simple Life through it.  We offer solutions to everyday problems and help people to get headed down a path of success and happiness that can truly Change Lives. Our products can elevate your Health and we offer them at very affordable discounted prices. We can elevate your financial situation by helping you start your own business and work for yourself instead of that boss you despise so much. We can elevate your Happiness via better Health and better Wealth. We believe we can help Change Lives with our program and products and helping others do the same.

We have put together so many tools and training to help you get your business started and up and running fast. We don’t have a “get rich quick” planhelp we have a “Here’s how you start and build your business plan”. We know that the only way we will ever succeed is by making sure that you succeed with your new business. This requires a game plan, all the tools you need and a support system that walks you down the path step by step. Your Success can not be left to chance and must be plotted like a road map to your destination. Only by helping others to achieve success do we get to pursue our Dreams of Changing Lives. Ole Zig Ziglar said it best; “You will get All you want out of life, if you just help enough other people get what they want out of life”. What a great quote and inspiration to us all. If you just help others find a “Better Way” then you will begin to change not only their life but you will also change your’s in the process. Changing Lives and Helping Others, just doesn’t get any better than that.

If you are in need of a Lifestyle Change then Please contact us and let’s talk about how we can get you on a different path that leads to Health, Wealth and Happiness. We are putting all the pieces in place and have all the training and tools you need to get started and get your business up and running fast. We are 110% committed to Your Success and making sure you have everything you need, all you have to do is have the desire and commitment to change the direction you are headed now. It starts with You and only You can make that decision Today, Enough is Enough. Today, I will choose to do whatever it takes to rise up and live a different life. Today, I choose to be Happy and Successful!

We are here to help and we would love to have a conversation with you about what You want to accomplish in life from this day forward. You can’t change the past but you can sure change where you are headed. We truly believe that we can Change Lives and so can YOU! Just Commit, Educate and ACT! You can commit to change and learn some new skills that will get you headed in a better direction. You can Educate yourself on what needs to be done and how, plus we have all the training you need to get going Now. And if you ACT by taking Massive Action on your new  home business then you truly can Change Lives starting with Your Own! If you would like to know more about what we are up to and how it can benefit you then you can visit our personal website at If you want to know more about our Simple Life and the opportunity we are offering the visit our  site for more info.

We Believe that we can Change Lives by Helping Others and we would Love to start with YOU!

Can’t wait to meet You ALL! on the beaches of the World!

Ever Onward! cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Having Fun with the Family!

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