The Journey to Patenting Collagen Daily: A Breakthrough in Nutritional Supplements

In the crowded landscape of nutritional supplements, finding a product that stands out can be challenging. Among the myriad of options available, collagen supplements have gained popularity for their numerous health benefits. At the forefront of this trend is Collagen Daily, a unique product that has earned its place in the market through a patented formulation.

The Road to Uniqueness

Obtaining a patent for a supplement in the United States is no easy feat. It requires demonstrating that the product is both novel and non-obvious, meaning it must significantly differ from existing products or methods. This process often involves extensive scientific research and development.

For Collagen Daily, this journey was spearheaded by Dr. Kedar Prasad, our Chief Science Officer and product formulator. Dr. Prasad’s relentless dedication led to the discovery of a unique approach to collagen supplementation. Through exhaustive exploration of various collagen sources and factors, we developed a formulation that sets Collagen Daily apart from the competition.

Proving Efficacy

Securing a patent also necessitates proving the supplement’s efficacy. This typically requires rigorous scientific testing and evidence of specific benefits. The path to obtaining a patent for Collagen Daily included compiling over 15 scientific studies that supported the product’s effectiveness. This rigorous research underscores our commitment to delivering a supplement that offers tangible benefits to our customers.

The Benefits of Collagen Supplementation

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body, crucial for maintaining skin elasticity, joint health, and overall vitality. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, leading to wrinkles, joint discomfort, and other signs of aging. Collagen supplementation, like Collagen Daily, can help counteract these effects.

Benefits of Collagen Supplementation Include:

  • Healthy aging (slows down the signs of aging)
  • Healthier, more vibrant skin
  • Improved skin elasticity
  • Lubrication (moist skin and better joint health)
  • Strengthened muscles
  • Restoration of mineral loss in bones
  • Enhanced brain health

Clinical Studies on Hyaluronic Acid Alone Show:

  • Improved skin hydration
  • Enhanced skin elasticity
  • Reduced skin wrinkles
  • Decreased skin roughness

The Collagen Daily Difference

What makes Collagen Daily truly unique is its patented formula with enzyme inhibitors. This combination supercharges the healthy aging benefits, delivering results unmatched by other collagen products. Our formulation combines premium Collagen Peptides with Enzyme Inhibitors and Hyaluronic Acid, creating a product that slows down signs of aging by neutralizing damaging enzymes and boosting collagen levels. Dr. Prasad’s research identified natural enzyme inhibitors that neutralize harmful enzymes like collagenase, hyaluronidase, matrix metalloproteinases, and elastase. Collagen Daily is the only supplement on the market with these enzyme inhibitors, further enhancing collagen production.

Collagen Daily Promotes:

  • Replenishment of the body’s collagen*
  • Increased collagen production through enzyme inhibitors*
  • Restoration of skin moisture and smoothness*
  • Strengthened tendons and ligaments*
  • Improved youthful skin texture*
  • Enhanced skin elasticity*
  • Reduced skin wrinkling and sagging*
  • Improved hair and nail health*
  • Joint pain relief*
  • Bone and muscle health*

At Engage, we believe the journey towards health and wellness should be straightforward and effective. That’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves to creating a collagen supplement that not only meets but exceeds industry standards. With Collagen Daily, you can feel confident that you’re nourishing your body with the very best.

You can find more info about this amazing Collagen Daily product from Engate by visiting our website at

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Can’t wait to meet You ALL on the beaches of the World! ! ! !

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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