Success In 3 Simple Steps

We are often asked about the Easiest way to Succeed in this business. And that is a loaded question because there are so many aspects to Networking but there are Three Simple Steps that can use to drastically improve your results in your Networking career. If you just focus on these you will see a great improvement in your results.

The first step is to Improve Your Skills. You should always be studying ways to improve your skill improve-your-skillsset and increase your results. This can be done in many different ways such as watching videos, reading self help books and learning from your mentor. The challenge here is to not get distracted in what you are doing. You need to learn and improve but you still have to take action. We see too many people spend all their time trying to learn to be perfect before they actually do something and that is a business killer. Take Action and then improve on your skills involved in your actions. Don’t wait till you are perfect to get started or you will never get started. There is an old saying that goes; You don’t have to be perfect to get going BUT you have to get going to be perfect. Take Action and improving on what you are doing is a Great step in the right direction.

The secoplease-do-not-feed-the-fears-quote-1nd step is to Get Over Your Fears! The number one killer to most people’s dreams is the fear factor. They are afraid of what others will think, or they are afraid of talking to someone and so on. Fear is your worst enemy. We tell our team all the time that this fear is in your own mind and you can conquer your fears by doing what scares you most. Just do it! Sometimes it’s a fear of failure that keeps people from reaching their dreams but if you haven’t failed then you have not even tried. It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, it only matters how many times you get back up! F.E.A.R stands for False Emotions Appearing Real. We all have our own fears and we must face fear head on and just try anyway. Often you can kick fear to the curb by just trying a new action and you soon realize it was no big deal at all. Don’t let fear steal your Dreams!

The third Simple Step is Never Quit! We all get beat up sometimes and face many challenges along the way. Sometimes it seems as though we are just never going to reach that Big goal so people just quit. We tell everyone that; “If it was Easy then everyone would do it and there would be no reward for getting it done”. If you want Massive Success then you have to make up your mind that you are going to keep moving forward, No Matter what. Sometimes you are SO close to your success, you’ve been working hard and pushing forward but just not quite where you wanted to be so people quit. That is usually about the time you are going to have a big breakthrough and gain momentum in your journey. If you quit then all your efforts are in vain and you will never get where you want to be in your business or your life. Yes you will go through the ups and downs of building your business but you have to keep moving forward to achieve Success. Do you remember the name of that guy that quit? Yeah me neither! Do you know the name of that guy that just kept going and is now on the stage with the big checks? Yeah me too, I can name many of them and they are only there because they kept moving when all they wanted to do is quit. Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit! Don’t give up on your dreams just because you hit some hard times.never-give-up

Three Simple Steps to Massive Success:
1. Improve Your Skills
2. Get over Your Fears
3. Never Quit

Apply these three simple steps to Success in your Network Marketing business and you will see improvement in your results. Success is a science and should not be left up to chance. You need a game plan to get you started and keep you going in the right direction.

Want to know what we are doing that could help You achieve you Goals and Dreams? You can always take a look at “Our Winning Strategy” for a complete game plan to getting you started and moving in the right direction. We have done the homework and laid out a plan that can get you where you want to be. Just visit our personal site at to get to know a little about us and what we are up to that can help you achieve Massive Success in your home business. Reach out to us anytime, get on our mailing list for up to date info on what we are doing and how it can help YOU!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL!

Ever Onward! cause that’s how we roll
Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena


So You’re New to Network Marketing

Deciding to become a Network Marketer is a Big decision. You took your time and did your research and decided to take the plunge, jump in feet first and become a Networker. You are going to Rock this “thing” and change your current lifestyle and financial situation. Great Move!

Now what? Now is the time to commit to your new mission andjust the facts here are a few things you Really need to lock in your mind. These are some cold hard facts about Network Marketing that will determine if you will make the first 90 days, first 6 months or even your first year in Network Marketing.

First you MUST remember why you started in the first place. What was it that made you step off into this new endeavor? What is your “Why” that is going to keep you going on the bad days when you just want to quit? This needs to be right in front of you Every day to remind you why you started and what is the reward for keeping on and staying the course. You need to be very specific about your “Why” so that you know Exactly what it is that you wanted to accomplish. Make a vision board or post some pictures, write it down and carry it in your pocket or whatever you need to do to keep this front and center so it keeps moving you in the right direction.

You have to know that Network Marketing is a “Long term” commitment. This isn’t something you can “try” and see if it works for you. It works for those who put in the effort and stay to the course. Network Marketing is built for “Residual Income” and you have to have a long term commitment so you stay on course and continue to move forward. If you are willing to put in the time and effort now, and hustle now building your organization then you can reap the benefits for years to come. But, You have to be committed to process for the long term and get rid of the idea that you are just trying this thing out. Do today what others won’t and you can do tomorrow what others can’t!

acceptYou need to release all of your need for “acceptance” from your friends and family. You have to know that what you are doing is for You and not them. It really doesn’t matter what they think or what they say because it is Not their journey. If you require that everyone is going to support and or accept what you are doing then you will not make it in this business. Know that some are going to talk trash, laugh at what you are doing and even tell you that “that stuff never works” but it’s all just their fear and ignorance and not yours. You cannot surround yourself with people that don’t support you and cannot see your vision. Some may even have to go! You need to know that some people just cannot see themselves ever succeeding so they will do anything they can to make sure you don’t either. You do Not need this acceptance or approval from them because you started this journey for a reason and you are making changes to improve Your life and change Your current situation.

The benefit of Succeeding in Network Marketing is that you lift yourself up to a better lifestyle and financial freedom. You free yourself from debt and a life of working all the time. You improve you financial situation and lifestyle in ways that set your Free of the oppression that has become the American dream. Go to school, rack up debt, get a good job, that pays little, work your life away and MAYBE some day you can retire. What a joke! Maybe back in the early American industrial days this was a good plan but in the job market today it just doesn’t hold water. Success with Network Marketing leads to Freedom! We call this the “Simple Life” and we Absolutely Love it. You can have this Simple Life as well if you commit and stay the course.

You need to start to work on Yourself and improve your skills readyand mindset. This includes self improvement through books, videos, seminars or where ever you can indulge your mind in a Positive and Creative learning experience. You cannot spend all your time watching TV and expect to change how your life is going. If you spent near as much time in Positive Life Changing content as you do watching that dream stealing box called TV you would see a major difference in what is going on in your head. You have to improve yourself to see a better You that is going to learn how to be successful in Network Marketing.

When you are new to Network Marketing it is the most important time of your new career. You took on this new endeavor so that you could make Positive changes in your life. You wanted things to be different than what your current situation was and you had enough vision to see that Yes You Can do this. Now is the time to learn and most importantly DO! We call this: Commit, Educate and ACT! You must commit to what you want to accomplish, You must Educate yourself on how to accomplish this and Most Importantly you have to ACT! Just DO It!

You need the tools, training and systems to make your new business work and we can help you with this. We have put together a “Game Plan” that includes all the parts of the puzzle to Succeed with Network Marketing. We bring the tools of the trade, the training you need to get started and moving forward and we bring the Support that you need to keep going. We have done the research and have a ground breaking opportunity that brings real value to the marketplace in an 8 Trillion dollar industry. We have put together a suite of tools to take this opportunity to the masses and market this program like a Pro. By joining our team you get all the support you need to stay the course and reach that level of Success that You want So bad.

Want to know a little more about what we are doing? You can get all the info at OurWinningStrategy or visit our personal website to get to know us better and see what we are all about. You can find us at and you will have access to all our contact info so you can reach out and connect.
Please let us know what we can do that will help move you forward on Your journey to Massive Success with Network Marketing.

Can’t wait to meet you ALL!

Ever Onward! cause that’s how we roll!


Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena



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I Fell into the Trap

As we go through life we sometimes let our mind dwell on ttraphings that we really have No control of. We fall into the trap of letting our own mind drift off into worries and strife that we couldn’t change if we wanted to. There is an old saying; “It’s all in your head”, well that is certainly a True statement.

Too often we give time and thought to worries and ideas that really have no effect on our daily life and yet we let our mind spend hours and hours dwelling on them and processing our assessment of these situations. Telling our selves that “if only it were different” and “that’s not what I would do” or “he/she really needs to change” and such. We fall into the trap of worrying about stuff we can’t control.

PoliticsPolitics is a Great example of this. We all fall for the hype and daily stories of he said, she said politics, the news of the day and all the nonsense of what the media portrays as important. Don’t get me wrong, there is some serious stuff going on in the world today, but I can’t change it. I can cast a vote and hope for the best but I can’t change what is going on in the politics of Washington. I, and I mean I, fall into this trap all the time. I read way too much news and get all uptight and wound up over stuff I can not change or have any control of. Why not spend that time on stuff that really matters in my life today?

Sometimes we spend too much time worrying about tomorrow that we forget to “LIVE” today. Spend your time being Grateful for what you have instead of unhappy about what you don’t have. Don’t fall into the trap of wasted energy worrying about how you wish things were instead of being so Thankful for what you have in your life that really matters. It’s your mind, Control it! Take control of your thoughts and change the way your mind spends it’s time and you can become the person you truly want to be.”It’s all in your mind”, make sure it’s positive and productive not negative and destructive.

Change your thoughts and you change your life. Stop spending so much time on things you have no control over and start living in today. What can you do Today that will make a difference tomorrow? It really is Your choice and You have control over your thoughts and the importance you give to different situations. It only matters as much as you are willing to let it matter. Remove negative thoughts and even negative people from your daily routine and you will see a Big difference in how you view life.your time

We all fall into the trap but only you can find your way out. Positive thoughts attract positive actions. Don’t let your mind trap you into being negative or even worse, hateful. Nothing good comes from hate. Stand guard at the door of your mind!

We try real hard to surround ourselves with some of the most Positive and Entrepreneurial minded people we can find. We lift each other up and give a helping hand to those who at least try to succeed in life. Be Positive Today! We don’t care where you have been but we sure care about where you are Now and where you want to go from here. Take control of your thoughts and you can change your life.

Please let us know what we can do that can help you avoid the “trap”. Need to be surrounded by Positive and Motivated people? Check out our group and see if it’s a good fit for you. We work daily on making our partners more Successful in every way, you could be the Next Big Success story!

You can always find us and all our contact info at so please feel free to drop by and let us know how we can help You.

Can’t wait to meet you ALL!

Ever Onward!


Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena



Why Texas?

So, we have been asked by several people recently “Why Texas”?

“How can you ever expect to have a successful Network Marketing business if you just focus on Texas?” So many people are taught that you need to be “Global”, you need to be everywhere with your marketing efforts and market to anyone and everyone that will listen. And that is fine if you want to just be on the computer and tied to your internet connection like an umbilical cord. Plus the attrition rate of this style marketing is over the top with people that join and drop out a month later because they didn’t texas flagmake it in the first 30 days. It’s a mess.

So, Why Texas? Having been in network marketing for many years we have learned that Network Marketing is a relationship business, a people business and requires a certain amount of face to face interaction to build the relationship and trust so people stay with you and stay focused on what we are trying to achieve. We believe that too often people want to just hide behind their computers and mass market to people they have never met, signing up lots but struggling to keep any on board. The attention span on the internet is way too short. Too many marketers just sign people up and throw them to the wolves and hope they make it.

We are taking a different approach to our new group. We want to work with people right here in our own backyard that we can get to know and build a relationship with. We want to meet you and learn what it is that you are looking for and why you are wanting to start a home based business. How in the world can we help you if we don’t even know you or what you are about? How can we help you reach your goals in this business if we haven’t taken the time to figure out where you are now and where you want to be? By focusing our efforts on Texans, right here in our own back yard we get to work with people one on one to help them get on track, commit to their goals and learn how to move their business forward.Austin-TX-Card

There are over 21 million people in Texas. We live in the Austin area and have almost a Million people right here in arms reach. Why not focus on those we can meet and build a working relationship right here in our own back yard? Why not help improve our “local” economy by building leaders we can work with on a daily bases? Network Marketing is about “Networking” with people, not hiding behind a computer screen all day. To be successful in Network Marketing you do NOT need to sign up hundreds of people to make the big bucks you just need to find a hand full of True Leaders that share your vision and work with them to build them up and make them successful and your business will grow like crazy.

We created Great Texas Minds to be a local group of like minded, entrepreneurial marketers that share our vision of Greatness. We truly want to work with people right here in Texas that are committed to making it work and willing to stay the course. People we can get to know, have a lunch with, do a meeting with or help in whatever way they need our help. We are not looking for followers, we are looking for Leaders that just need a little help in getting their business off the ground and running toward Success. It’s not about us, it’s about YOU! It’s about making your dreams and goals a reality so that you can find Success in your own business.

We have put together all the parts of the puzzle so that you don’t have to rely on guess work or go searching Google for that magic button that is going to make you rich. We have a plan, we have the tools, we have the training and most importantly we have the Support that will keep you going when you most need it. It’s called Network Marketing for a reason! Let us help you build your network of leaders and success stories.

WanGTM dott a little more info? Just go to Great Texas Minds website by clicking the link here. and see if this might be a good fit for what you want to do. We have put together all the parts you need to get started and up and running a Successful home based business. Need some help? That’s what were here for, just ask. We don’t try to convince anyone, we give you all the info and stuff you need, But, you have to have that burning desire to make it work. You have to decide that It’s Your Time and NOW is where you are. Commit, Educate and ACT! ! ! That’s how we roll.

Why Texas? Why Not? Let’s get to know each other so we can help each other. As always, you can learn more about us by visiting our personal site at Get to know us and see if what we are doing is a good fit for you. If so, just reach out to us and let us know how we can help you out. Oh, and do we Only work with Texans, of course not. We are willing to work with anyone that has a burning desire to succeed. It’s just that here local we can be more accessible and work more one on one with our partners in business. If you got the desire, we don’t care where you are from, we only care where you are going!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL! Just let us know what we can do to help you. It Is Your Time!

Ever Onward!


Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena


Dean and Dean

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