Never, Ever, Quit

Success Formula deananddena


If there is one thing we can tell you about Success is that it IS a process. We use the phrase “Commit, Educate and ACT” all the time because this is the basic formula for Massive Success in any aspect of your life and especially in your Home Business Adventure.

But there is one more ingredient that will determine if you reach your full potential or not and that is “Never Quit”! We see it all the time, people come into this business and they “Commit” to making it happen, they even “Educate” themselves on what to do and then they “Act” on this new found knowledge and their commitment. But then they hit a few obstacles that present a challenge and they get all hung up on the little stuff. We have ALL been there and we will admit that sometimes the forces of evil will show up and try and steal your dreams right out from under you. This is when you have to be your strongest and remember “Why” you started this journey in the first place. You simply can NEVER GIVE UP!

We know what it is like when “Life” just seems to get in the way. Everyone is so busy and there are so many other things going on in Everyone’s life. This is the Excuse way too many people use to keep them in the current situation they are in. We say  ”Excuse” because that is what it really is and it is a powerful one. It holds most people down and we believe that the “system” of working full time and trying to survive is set up just to make sure that people have fewer and fewer choices to better their lives and become the person they really want to be. Get you deep in debt, keep you way to busy and make it where you have to be a slave to the grind just to get by. Is this Really what you want out of life? Didn’t think so because we have been there and know the feeling.

The difference between the people that enjoy Massive Success and those that just wish they were is they just NEVER QUIT! You must Commit, you must Educate yourself and then ACT to bring about the change you are looking for in your life. If you just keep doing the same things you have always done then you will certainly get the same results EVERY time. Once you have headed down the road of change don’t let anyone turn you around. Never Quit! Don’t give up on your Dreams!

We are always amazed at how many people will start the journey and at the first little bump in the road go right back to where they were to begin with. The old “comfort zone” that holds everyone back.  We look around at all the Success testimonials and these are not the smartest people in the world or the lucky ones they just made the decision to change, educated themselves on how to do it and started down the road and never turned back. Most people just don’t realize how close they are to making it when they just give up and fall back to where they were when they started. It’s simply Amazing!

So, Never Quit! Don’t give up and stay true to your dreams. Make a Vision board to remind you “WHY” you are doing what you are doing. Establish your reasons and make them a specific goal where you know Exactly where you are going and why. View your vision board Every day and see yourself living your Dream Life and experiencing the life you always wanted. Keep it in the front of your mind and don’t let it slip behind all the other stuff life throws at you. Believe you can and you will if you Never Quit.

Here is the Simple formula for Success:

 Commit! Educate! and ACT! Then Never Quit!

We are full time marketers that want to see you Succeed in your own endeavour. We can help you establish a plan that will take you from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow. We have the systems, trainings, and all the tools you will ever need to bring about this change and get you on a path so Massive Success! But you have to make the decision to do it. Like the famous Nike phrase: ”Just Do It”. But don’t do it alone.

Want to know what we are up to and how we were able to walk away from corporate America to live the life most just dream of? If not then check your pulse because you already have all the money you need or you are already dead and gone. We want to help and have everything set up for you to just plug in and get going.

Visit our personal website by clicking this link at Get to know who we are and what we do to create Massive Success and more importantly how we can help you do the same thing. Remember “NEVER QUIT” on your Dreams and you Will go far!

Can’t wait to meet you all! and See YOU on the Beaches of the World! ! ! ! ! !

Ever Onward! Dean and Dena

The Law of Money and How You Can Get More

The Law of Money

by Dean and Dena | on July 11, 2012

 Ever wonder what the “Law of Money” really is?

I think everyone does. Too often we think that it is this magical secret that forces money on some and keeps it from others. That “the man” controls all the money and that’s why I can’t get any or if only my tight wad boss would just let go of some of his money then I would have money. Sound familiar. Maybe this is not you but you certainly know these people in your own life.

The Law of Money is really pretty simple and it goes something like this. Person A has money and through some type of transfer gives it to Person B. I know, that sounds really simplistic but that’s all there is to it. Whether Person B is receiving the money for work he or she did, the money is given or gifted for whatever reason or the money is taken by force, it’s all the same. No one gets money that is not transferred for some reason or another.

Here are some common ways we “get” money.

1. Job – we trade time and effort for an hourly wage or salary. Benefit, we get money for doing stuff. Problem, only one source for this income and the amount of income is usually determined by this one person which creates a limited source of money. You get paid for “time” and there is only so much time.

2. A Standard Business – You sell a product or service in exchange for money. Benefit, you can sell as many products or services to as many people as possible creating multiple sources of money. Problem, It’s very time consuming and expensive to start a normal business, create your product or service and then convince multiple people to buy this product or service. The standard business can be quite a challenge to start and keep going until a time where you are actually profitable with your new business. We know because we have done it. And after all, you only created another “job” for yourself that requires an enormous amount of time and effort to keep everything going.

3. Networking with Us! Really you say? Absolutely, and this is the best way of all to create that transfer of Money into your pocket. See, we will show you how to set up Systems that will do most of the work for you. We can show you how to break these systems down into task and how and where to Outsource these task so that it removes you from the equation and lets the system bring in the money. Then, the system does all the selling, telling and explaining on what is going on and shows them how to do the same thing you are doing to “get Money”. If you do this wrong then you are doing all the selling and explaining, holding everyone’s hand while they whine and moan, just so you can convince someone they need to join your business model. WRONG way to do it! It just becomes another J.O.B. and you will be Just Over Broke and Overwhelmed real quick.

See, there is No secret to making money. There is no secret pill, secret button, secret formula to making money. It is an Exact Science. It is a science that states if you do this, this and this, and do these things in a certain way with quality control, you Are going to get this result. There is no wondering around trying this and hoping for that, you have to have a proven formula for Success that results in the transfer of money from Person A to Person B. And when you do it Right, it’s really good to be Person B. because your system did all the work and selling and promoting and follow up, all you have done is set up the right System that brings YOU the money.

So what does this mean for You and how you can take advantage of the Law of Money. Well, get to know us and learn about the Systems and tools we use to create wealth. Do this the right way and You will make lots of money and have the time and freedom to do what you want with it. You see, it’s not really the money you want, it’s the money you NEED. What we mean by this is that You want the Relaxed life of Freedom but it’s the money that brings this this Freedom. You want to go on vacation, You want to spend more time with your family (we hope), you want to drive that car of your dreams BUT it’s the money that makes all this happen. It’s the money you keep going to that Crappy ass job for. It’s the Freedom the money brings you that will make really You the person you Want to be.

So how do YOU get more money? You could get a second job, sell some organs (just kidding), resort to crime OR You could learn how Real Money is really made. How does a $1,000.00 per day sound? We have people we network with that are doing this everyday and more, way more. What would your life look like with just an extra $1,000.00 per month? How about an extra $3,000 to $5,000 per month? Let’s say you get good at it and make that $1,000.00 per day, NOW what does your life look like at $30G per month? Yea we know, it would change a lot wouldn’t it, and you Would be Definitely be a different person than you are toady.

Want to learn how? OF Course you do! Just click on this link at  and let us show you how easy it is to get people to make that transfer of cash to YOUR pocket. And it’s easier than you think. Go there now! We will teach you how!

Want to know more about us? Just visit our personal website at and get to know more about us, what we are up to and how it can benefit You.

We look forward to meeting you ALL!

Ever Onward!

Dean and Dena Changes Everything!

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Dean and Dena


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We are full time and all in Team oriented marketers that believes in “Team Work Makes the Dream Work”!

We work with some of the top marketers in the industry and this Team brings some of the biggest hitters in the industry to the table. We have the best Training and Support available and we only work with the cream of the crop.

If you want to work with the Best in the business then you have come to the right place. We work with Super Heroes Everyday and offer some of the best connnections in the business all for YOU.

Want to know a little more about who we are and what we are all about then please visit our personal website below. Please get to know us and all those we surround our self with and you will understand where we are coming from.

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Please let us know what we can do for you!


Spreading the Love!

Dean and Dena



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