Should You “Plant Your Flag”?

There are a lot of people that are doing “professional” coaching right now and this isplant flag becoming a Big Business around the industry. We believe that coaching is a very important part of your success in Network Marketing and it can make a big difference in your ability to break-through and reach massive success. We all need coaches to help get us moving toward our goals and doing the things that need to be done so our business thrives instead of stalling. There is also a difference in “training” and “coaching” that we see going on in the industry. You can be trained via education and studying in the skills that will put you on the right path, and this is very important. But a Coach can help you take that training and develop a game plan that will put that training to work.

Both are very important because you need the training to learn the business and develop the skills that can help you move forward in Network Marketing and you need  coaching to help you put these skills to work. But there are a lot of people right now that are Focused on coaching and developing their coaching business. They are building products that help their clients achieve more and build their business, no matter what “opportunity” or “program” they are in, and that is their focus. There is nothing wrong with this at all, it has become Big Business in this industry. So here is the question we asked in the title. “Should You Plant Your Flag?” And what we mean by this is; Should you anchor and or promote your business opportunity via your marketing efforts?

Coaching-MentoringMany of the “Coaches” today say that you should never even mention your company or opportunity in your videos or promotions and just focus on serving the masses. Well, that is fine if you just want to be a “coach” and sell your online products to everyone in the business. Some of the biggest names we know and follow in this industry preach this philosophy but mainly because they are trying to sell their online products and coaching series to the masses. They try and serve Everyone in any company thus increasing their audience and sales. This is fine if you are just interested in coaching and promoting your own products and marketing to anyone in any program. Many are preaching the “Attraction Marketing” idea of putting out lots of value via their content and attracting people to them so they become the hunted instead of the hunter. AGAIN, nothing wrong with this if that is what you are trying to accomplish and be a big name coach. Often they say “never mention your company because companies fail and you will loose your business.”, and there is some truth to that as well.

But we choose to “Plant Our Flag” and be a product of the products and company that we believe in. Is this risky to some degree? Absolutely because companies do run into problems, owners get greedy and sometimes companies fail, it’s business. But you can use the same “Attraction Marketing” to attract people to you And your company via the value in your content and promotion of your chosen company. We do this all the time, read down the different post here on our blog and you will see what we mean. Here is the difference, we did our homework and due diligence on the company we have chosen, and we believe they are good people with a great and exclusive product that are interested in disrupting the industry with fair and ethical treatment of the distributors. This has given us a great confidence in who and what we are promoting.

Attraction Marketing is a great way to not only find prospects but also show themattraction-marketing who you are and what you are all about. We promote our company very heavily so that when people hear about this new company and go searching on Google or other search engines, then they Are going to run into our content. People might hear of a new company and have interest in the company or the product BUT, they join with people that they see as leaders or at the least, very active in the company. We put out lots of content that is relative to success in the industry And with our chosen company. We use keywords and many phrases that are picked up by the search engines so that as people come looking Boom, there we are. And we have Planted Our Flag with our company and products so that we can attract people that are interested in our mission to succeed with our company.

So the conversation continues, “Should You Plant Your Flag?” or not. We see both sides of this conversation and we understand why some do and some don’t. If your mission is to become a big time coach to anyone in the business then I guess you should not be tied to just one company and associate your strategy with one brand. But if your mission is to achieve Massive Success in the company you have chosen to work with then branding yourself as a leader in that company does make sense. One of the biggest problems we see in the industry, and with this strategy, is that people often associate with too many different companies at one time and it just confuses prospects on what their real mission is. If you are promoting three different money games, two different ad programs, and several different products and programs then nobody is going to take you serious when you come out and talk about your new company. This is a big problem and way too many people are so scattered that no one can figure out what they are really doing. If you are going to “Plant Your Flag” then by all means, Plant Your Flag and stay focused.

We have planted our flag with Our Home Business program that promotes a Simple LIFE through Networking.  We promote Wealth through one of the most exciting rewards programs ever introduced in Network Marketing. Don’t believe me just search the term “Simple Team” via Google and see who pops up, bet you will find Dean and Dena on page one. That’s just how we planned it.

There is a Massive wave coming in the this opportunity and we are positioning a team of leaders and partners to take advantage of this Massive Growth within this business, and we would Love to have you on our TEAM! This is a Great company with ethical and honest leadership that really cares about the distributors in the field. And we are on a Mission to Elevate the lives of millions of ordinary people all over the world through a True Passion for a Simple LIFE! We have Planted Our Flag with Simple TEAM and Engage Micro Daily and we believe So Should YOU!

You can always check out our personal website at to learn a little more about who we are and what we are all about.

We are 110% committed to our mission of Massive Success with Simple Team and we are looking for those who are ready to make a change and experience a better way of Getting Paid to Simply Live Life with our TEAM. Please consider joining us on this mission so we can work with you and develop Your game plan for Success. We Can HELP!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL, on the Beaches of the World!

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream,
The Beach, Our Favorite Place!

Traffic, How and Where to Get It

There seems to be this magical, mystical ingredient that is keeping SO many people from achieving success. Anyone that is trying to get their opportunity or content is Always searching for it and everyone thinks it’s the magic ingredient they are missing, Well, they just might be right. Easy-Ways-to-Generate-Traffic-to-Your-Website

Traffic is King when it comes to getting your message out there. Everyone wants it and Needs it but many struggle to find it. Traffic can be the one ingredient that gets you business or keeps you from seeing the results you are truly after. Traffic, what is it anyway? Traffic is often referred to as having unique or repeat visitors to your site, blog or offering via capture pages or however you are trying to get your message out.

There are basically three types of traffic. The first is Paid Traffic or Traffic you control and can be very effective if you know how to do it and where to get it. The second is Traffic you do Not control or traffic that is organic or free. This type of traffic usually takes more time and effort but it doesn’t cost you to much to get and it’s great when your content or media delivers it to you. Don’t worry, we are going to break this down a bit as we go. The last is the Traffic that you Own and this is usually from your list. I know you have heard “The Money is in the List” and that is certainly correct. When you have spent the time and effort to create a list then you can take your offers, products or just content to your list and you get Instant traffic. So let’s break it down a bit.

paid-trafficPaid Traffic or traffic you control is just that. You create your offer be it capture page, video offering, blog post or what ever you are trying to get people to and you purchase visitors to your offer. The most important part of paid traffic is having a compelling offer that converts. You have to be able to grab someones attention quickly and make them Want To open your offering. We do this with email marketing, driving traffic to our blog post or driving them to a clever capture page to get them to opt into our mailing list or review our sales material. Paid traffic is very effective if done right and it can include PPC (pay per click) it can be solo ads (rent someones list) or now even Facebook advertising is very popular. The type of offer you are presenting often determines the type of paid traffic you go after. The Great thing about paid traffic is it can be “scaled” up or down. If your offer is converting and you are getting a good ROI (return on investment) from your ad or content then you can scale up to increase the amount of eyeballs that are viewing your offer. You can test different approaches and determine where you should drive more traffic or where to stop. Paid Traffic is Fantastic if done Right!

Organic Traffic is traffic you don’t really control but you get because of the work you have put into organic trafficyour content and blogs and such. If you are going to have a blog, which we HIGHLY recommend, then you can always insert specific keywords and SEO (search engine optimization) to bring you organic type traffic. Any site or blog that you create and post content to can have certain keywords that will be picked up by different search engines that will key on your content when people do searches in their favorite search engine. This takes some effort to create but once it is done it is Always there and you can get good, specific traffic from this effort. Blogs are one of the best ways to generate organic traffic because the search engines pick up on blog content really well, takes some effort up front but can pay dividends for years to come. This is why we call it Traffic you don’t control, it’s just brought to you from efforts you put into branding your self or your team. Everyone should be doing this if they are at all serious about being a Top Income Earner in Network Marketing.

List-BuildingThe last but Not least of these Traffic methods is traffic you Own! One of the most productive activities that you can undertake is the creation of your list. Once you build your list from people that have opted into your blog, capture page or simple capture form, then you can return to this list to present new offerings when ever you have them or just to keep your team informed on what is happening and relevant to your efforts. This is truly Traffic you own because you own your list. Whenever you post a new blog then create an email about your blog post and take it to your list, Instant Traffic! Have a new product to offer, take it to your list and Instant Traffic and instant sales. Your list becomes one of the biggest key ingredients to your traffic because you can create traffic any time you want it by just going to your list. “The Money is in the List!” Especially when it comes to traffic. If you have built your list then it cost you nothing to generate Instant Traffic to any offering you want to promote.

So the next time you are sitting there thinking “man if I just had some traffic?” you will know exactly how to get it. You can really get traffic anytime you want it you just need to make sure that what you are driving the traffic to is powerful and converts. All the traffic in the world will not make you money unless you have compelling content that converts visitors into prospects and prospects into SALES! Take the time to put together good content via your blog or website or what ever your media choice and then drive some traffic to it, test it and scale accordingly. Traffic is King!traffic

As always we invite you to get to know more about us and what we are doing to create Massive Success in Network Marketing. You can certainly visit our personal website at to learn more about what we are up to and why we Love the Lifestyle we are blessed to live. We call it “The Simple Life”, we come and go as we please, we live a simple and fulfilling life that most only dream about and we can show you how to do the same. Please reach out to us and let us know how we can Help You with the journey you want to create. We are all creators so why not create a life that fulfills you in every way! You can always catch us on Facebook by clicking here Dean and Dena on Facebook.

Can’t wait to meet you ALL!

Ever Onward! cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena


Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream, deananddena
Dean and Dena