Reflection, What Do You See?

A father and his young son were walking through the mountains when the son falls, hurting his leg on a rock. The young man screamed in pain and yelled out “AAhhh!” But to his surprise he heard a voice repeat his cry of ‘AAhhh!’ This of course made the young man very curious so yelled out “Who Are You?” and back came ‘Who Are You?’. Feeling a bit perturbed by this response, he yelled back “Coward” and sure enough came the reply ‘Coward’. Puzzled he looked at his father and asked “What is going on Dad?” and his father smiled and said ‘Son, pay attention”.

Looking across the valley, his father yelled to the mountain, “I admire You!” and the voice answered ‘I admire You!’ Again the father cried out “You Are a Champion” and the voice replied back ‘You Are a Champion”. The boy was Amazed but very confused so his father explained, “You are only hearing an echo, the sound of our voices bouncing back from the mountains. However this is how life really works, it returns to you what you think, say and do!”

Our lives are a Reflection of our thoughts and actions. If you want more love in your world, create more love in your heart. If you want to be treated with kindness then treat others with kindness. If you want more competence on your team be more competent in your play. This relationship applies to everything in all aspects of life. Life will give to you, everything you give to it, only it will give you even more in return.

Your life is never a coincidence because each moment is a Reflection of YOU!

The Universe knows, and recognizes, your thoughts and actions and reflects this back into your world. If you are a negative and skeptical person then the Universe will respond to you with a negative and skeptical life, or a Reflection of You. And so the opposite is true as well. If you are a positive and loving person that is always giving and sharing with others then the Universe will respond and Reflect in your world with positive and loving people and situations. Our world truly is a Reflection of what we spend our energy on in our own lives.

Reflection is defined as “The change in direction of a wave at a boundary between two different media, so that the wave moves back into the medium it came from.” And as such our lives are a Reflection of choices we make in our everyday habits that reflect the choices we make for that day. So if you want better results then you have to make better choices and change your habits that reflect on your life. It reminds me of the Michael Jackson song “The Man in the Mirror”. “I’m starting with the Man in the Mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways, and No message could have been any clearer, if you want to make the world a better place, Take a Look at Yourself and then Make That Change!” The Reflection is You!

Be a Reflection of what you Truly want in your life. If you want more Love then give more Love! If you want more truth, then be more truthful. What you give out, or put out into the Universe, will always return and Reflect into your life and those around you. Reflections start small but grow into Awesomeness over time. A Great Attitude can become a Great Mood, which becomes a Great Day, which becomes a Great Year, which becomes a Great LIFE! Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what we believe about ourselves, we can not outperform our level or self-esteem or draw unto us more than we think we are worth. We do not learn from experience but from Reflecting on our experience.

Reflection, What Do You See? Self reflection is a humbling process, it’s essential to learning why we Think, Say and Do certain things. It’s power is to reflect on our lives, choices and habits so we can learn to Better our self in the process. Reflection is the Power of the Universe to make us more of what we want in our lives and for others by Reflecting the Positive and Loving energy back to the Universe. It’s a Wonderful thing!

“It is on the strength of observation and Reflection that one finds a way, So We Must Dig and Delve Unceasingly!” ~Claud Monet

We invite you to connect with us and see what is possible to achieve in your journey of success. You can certainly learn a little more about us by visiting our personal website at or feel free to contact us via Facebook by clinking here now. You need a plan, a step by step guide to put you on the path to achieving your Dreams and Goals and We Can Help!

Can’t wait to meet You ALL on the beaches of the World! ! ! !

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Do You Believe in Yourself?

A gentleman was walking through an elephant camp, and he spotted that the elephants weren’t being kept in cages or held by the use of chains. All that was holding them back from escaping the camp, was a small piece of rope tied to one of their legs.

As the man gazed upon the elephants, he was completely confused as to why the elephants didn’t just use their strength to break the rope and escape the camp. They could easily have done so, but instead they didn’t try to at all.

Curious and wanting to know the answer, he asked a trainer nearby why the elephants were just standing there and never tried to escape.

The trainer replied; “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

The only reason that the elephants weren’t breaking free and escaping from the camp was because over time they adopted the belief that it just wasn’t possible.

Moral of the story: No matter how much the world tries to hold you back, always continue with the belief that what you want to achieve is possible. Believing you can become successful is the most important step in actually achieving it.

So, what do you believe? Eleanor Roosevelt said “The Future belongs to those who Believe in their Dreams!” Another great quote is “Whatever You Believe, You Can Achieve” and this is So True. Your belief is the magic that convinces your mind that things are possible and You Can Do It! The subconscious mind will believe whatever you tell it and believe to be true. It’s a wonderful power to control your thoughts and actions. Even Henry Ford said “Whether You Believe You Can or believe you can’t, either way you are still right.” Are you going to be restrained by the limitations that hold you back? Like the elephants in the story we all let silly little beliefs hold us back from Greatness.

We all have this story that we tell ourselves about our ability to achieve success in life. If you constantly tell yourself that you can’t do it or you’re just not capable then you have convinced yourself of that truth and so it will be. But the opposite can also be true. If you constantly tell yourself that “Yes I Can Achieve Success and Greatness” then you are setting out an expectation that you are capable and worthy of success. Believing in Yourself is one of the greatest powers you can posse. It’s all in the story that you continue to tell yourself and believe to be truth.

If you believe that you can achieve it, then visualize what you believe as already true because you can do anything you set your mind to do if you are willing to do what it takes to get there. We always teach to “Commit, Educate and Act!”. Belief is a strong factor in the commitment to your goals. If you believe you can achieve your goals and dreams, and you are willing to commit to making it happen, then you are well on your path to success. But the opposite is also true if you don’t believe. If you believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible.

Belief is all in your head! Work on the story you constantly run through your thoughts. Create a vision that supports that story and builds your dream life. Commit to doing the things that are necessary to get there and educate yourself on the process. Then ACT! ! ! ! Take Massive Action to achieve your dreams and goals. Create a game plan and do the “Daily Activities” required to move your dreams forward. Daily Activities will make ALL the difference in your results and keep you moving forward and not just idling through the day. Commit, Educate and ACT! It all starts with Belief!

This is the magic in Network Marketing. We are Successful because we truly Believe that we are capable and we are willing to do the things necessary to Achieve True Success. So, What do You Believe? We would love to have a conversation with you about your Dreams and Goals. Let’s discuss what you want to accomplish and how you plan on getting there. Success is a science and science is created on fact, and these facts can create the Belief you need to be Successful. We have a step by step plan to help get you on the right path and moving forward if only You Believe that it’s possible.

We invite you to connect with us and see what is possible to achieve in your journey of success. You can certainly learn a little more about us by visiting our personal website at or feel free to contact us via Facebook by clinking here now. You need a plan, a step by step guide to put you on the path to achieving your Dreams and Goals and We Can Help!

Can’t wait to meet You ALL on the beaches of the World! ! ! !

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena


Dean and Dena


Flavor of the Month Club

Have you noticed how Scattered some people are with their marketing efforts? It scatterednever ceases to amaze me how people jump around on the internet with this program today, that program tomorrow and Oh Oh, there’s another new program over there. LOL, it’s simply crazy how scattered some people are and then wonder why they don’t make any money with what they are doing.

We started in Network Marketing before there was an internet and “internet marketing”. It was really different back then because there were only a hand full of companies and programs and people weren’t bombarded with new programs everyday. We did the old school approach of “speak to anyone that will listen” even going to the mall roaming around just trying to pitch anyone on our business. Now I’m not saying it was easier back then at all, it was difficult to find new prospects because we didn’t have a few billion people at the click of a mouse. We actually had to make the best of what we had to work with. We practiced the “three foot rule”, we made our list and we got to work. We didn’t have a million options of how to market so we just buckled down and got to work.

internetThen cam the internet and it truly was a Game Changer when it came to marketing. Suddenly we had email and websites and all the Fabulous tools to help us present or program and connect with new people. This was truly going to change everything! And it did, now we could connect with people all over the country or even the world. No longer were we limited to our surroundings and geographical location. Then came Google, what the heck was a “Google”? Little did we know just how powerful one little website would be and how it would change how people searched for information. Then the gurus said “You have to have a website” and we all tried to figure out how the heck do you do that. It Really was a Crazy time in learning about this whole internet thing.

Now the internet is grown way beyond what any of us ever thought it would be and you can find more info in a millisecond search then you can process in a months time. We all finally figured out how to build a website and get our self listed “online” so that we could now learn about SEO and keywords and on and on it goes. Oh, the good ole days of learning how this “internet” thing was working out. Fast forward to 2016 and things have gotten so much easier and now there’s Facebook and Social Media all over the place. It really is the most connected this world has ever been. Now you can keep up with Everyone in a moments notice and follow people you have never even met in person but are friends with anyway. What a Great way to start a relationship with the world.

But my friends here is the challenge. It is So Easy these days to throw up a website and launch a new “business” with a flashy and hype filled banner that new programs appear almost everyday. People are bombarded with new offers so often that it makes it hard to focus on anything much less the task at hand. Having been online now for many years and having the same Gmail account for years and years I have been added to so many list that it fills my spam box everyday with the next Great offer to come aSOS-buttonlong since . . yesterday. It’s kind of funny and sad all at the same time how people jump from program to program thinking they are fixing to miss out on instant fame and fortune. Sorry guys but this is one of the worst mistakes you can make.

I know some really good people that promote so many different programs and money games that you just can’t take them serious because tomorrow they are going to show you the next great money maker. The average person finds it challenging to build one business much less 5 or 10 different businesses. The internet is a Great tool for connecting and building a relationship with people all over the world and should be used for the great tool that it is. But don’t let it kill your business by keeping you scattered and unfocused. Don’t fall for money games and fly-by-night companies that promise the instant riches if you just join today. We have watched SO MANY companies come and go over the years it’s not even funny. So many people loose money to these games played on hype and get rich quick schemes it kills people’s dreams and check book with broken promises. The Flavor of the Month comes and goes every single month only to disappear with everyone’s money in a matter of no-time, It’s just Crazy what people will fall for.

We get approached almost daily with the new Flavor of the Month business idea or company and we understand how hard it is to stay focused BUT we don’t play those games. We can promise you here and now that we will NOT bring multiple offers and new businesses to you because we are Super Focused on what our goals are and how we are making them happen. We might bring you a new tool from time to time if we find something that really works for us but we are Focused on the prize and we’re In It To Win IT! Focus is the true secret to Success in Network Marketing. If you are not focused and committed to what you are doing then your are just wasting your time and hurting others by misleading them with a get rich quick mindset. Get Focused and You will find Success in your Network Marketing business.

focusFocus is the single most important skill you can learn to be successful. When you are focused on your company, products and Your TEAM then you will see growth in what you are doing. If you are scattered then your team will be scattered as well and no one will achieve there goals like that. People will follow, and do what you do, not what you say but what YOU DO! If you are focused and you make all the webinars and calls within your company, constantly building your TEAM and training them to be great leaders then you will find Massive Success in this profession. But if you fall for every new Flavor of the Month that comes along, always promoting something different and new then no one can figure out what the heck you are doing anyway. Don’t let the Flavor of the Month kill your business and destroy your reputation as a Professional Network Marketing machine.

We are So Totally focused on Home Business right now. We are out to build a Large and Dynamic TEAM in here and we promise to be here today, tomorrow and next week building our TEAM and working this business. We are 110% focused on what we are doing and you should be also. The Flavor of the Month club does not meet here and we are only interested in working with those that are committed, wholeheartedly, to their success. Be a Professional about what you are doing and people will take you Seriously and join you because of it. If you play games you will attract game players, if you get Serious then you will attract the Serious partners that want to achieve Massive Success and become Professional Network Marketers.


If you are interested in “who we are and what we are doing” then check out our personal website at You can get to know us a bit and see what we are all about, just in case you didn’t get if from the post above? lol. We are 100% committed to building our TEAM and we would love to have a conversation with you about what we are doing. All you have to do is reach out and connect, however works for you, and let’s start the conversation about Your Success Today!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL! on the Beaches of the World!

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena


Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream,
Dean and Dena with the Saratogo.

Should You “Plant Your Flag”?

There are a lot of people that are doing “professional” coaching right now and this isplant flag becoming a Big Business around the industry. We believe that coaching is a very important part of your success in Network Marketing and it can make a big difference in your ability to break-through and reach massive success. We all need coaches to help get us moving toward our goals and doing the things that need to be done so our business thrives instead of stalling. There is also a difference in “training” and “coaching” that we see going on in the industry. You can be trained via education and studying in the skills that will put you on the right path, and this is very important. But a Coach can help you take that training and develop a game plan that will put that training to work.

Both are very important because you need the training to learn the business and develop the skills that can help you move forward in Network Marketing and you need  coaching to help you put these skills to work. But there are a lot of people right now that are Focused on coaching and developing their coaching business. They are building products that help their clients achieve more and build their business, no matter what “opportunity” or “program” they are in, and that is their focus. There is nothing wrong with this at all, it has become Big Business in this industry. So here is the question we asked in the title. “Should You Plant Your Flag?” And what we mean by this is; Should you anchor and or promote your business opportunity via your marketing efforts?

Coaching-MentoringMany of the “Coaches” today say that you should never even mention your company or opportunity in your videos or promotions and just focus on serving the masses. Well, that is fine if you just want to be a “coach” and sell your online products to everyone in the business. Some of the biggest names we know and follow in this industry preach this philosophy but mainly because they are trying to sell their online products and coaching series to the masses. They try and serve Everyone in any company thus increasing their audience and sales. This is fine if you are just interested in coaching and promoting your own products and marketing to anyone in any program. Many are preaching the “Attraction Marketing” idea of putting out lots of value via their content and attracting people to them so they become the hunted instead of the hunter. AGAIN, nothing wrong with this if that is what you are trying to accomplish and be a big name coach. Often they say “never mention your company because companies fail and you will loose your business.”, and there is some truth to that as well.

But we choose to “Plant Our Flag” and be a product of the products and company that we believe in. Is this risky to some degree? Absolutely because companies do run into problems, owners get greedy and sometimes companies fail, it’s business. But you can use the same “Attraction Marketing” to attract people to you And your company via the value in your content and promotion of your chosen company. We do this all the time, read down the different post here on our blog and you will see what we mean. Here is the difference, we did our homework and due diligence on the company we have chosen, and we believe they are good people with a great and exclusive product that are interested in disrupting the industry with fair and ethical treatment of the distributors. This has given us a great confidence in who and what we are promoting.

Attraction Marketing is a great way to not only find prospects but also show themattraction-marketing who you are and what you are all about. We promote our company very heavily so that when people hear about this new company and go searching on Google or other search engines, then they Are going to run into our content. People might hear of a new company and have interest in the company or the product BUT, they join with people that they see as leaders or at the least, very active in the company. We put out lots of content that is relative to success in the industry And with our chosen company. We use keywords and many phrases that are picked up by the search engines so that as people come looking Boom, there we are. And we have Planted Our Flag with our company and products so that we can attract people that are interested in our mission to succeed with our company.

So the conversation continues, “Should You Plant Your Flag?” or not. We see both sides of this conversation and we understand why some do and some don’t. If your mission is to become a big time coach to anyone in the business then I guess you should not be tied to just one company and associate your strategy with one brand. But if your mission is to achieve Massive Success in the company you have chosen to work with then branding yourself as a leader in that company does make sense. One of the biggest problems we see in the industry, and with this strategy, is that people often associate with too many different companies at one time and it just confuses prospects on what their real mission is. If you are promoting three different money games, two different ad programs, and several different products and programs then nobody is going to take you serious when you come out and talk about your new company. This is a big problem and way too many people are so scattered that no one can figure out what they are really doing. If you are going to “Plant Your Flag” then by all means, Plant Your Flag and stay focused.

We have planted our flag with Our Home Business program that promotes a Simple LIFE through Networking.  We promote Wealth through one of the most exciting rewards programs ever introduced in Network Marketing. Don’t believe me just search the term “Simple Team” via Google and see who pops up, bet you will find Dean and Dena on page one. That’s just how we planned it.

There is a Massive wave coming in the this opportunity and we are positioning a team of leaders and partners to take advantage of this Massive Growth within this business, and we would Love to have you on our TEAM! This is a Great company with ethical and honest leadership that really cares about the distributors in the field. And we are on a Mission to Elevate the lives of millions of ordinary people all over the world through a True Passion for a Simple LIFE! We have Planted Our Flag with Simple TEAM and Engage Micro Daily and we believe So Should YOU!

You can always check out our personal website at to learn a little more about who we are and what we are all about.

We are 110% committed to our mission of Massive Success with Simple Team and we are looking for those who are ready to make a change and experience a better way of Getting Paid to Simply Live Life with our TEAM. Please consider joining us on this mission so we can work with you and develop Your game plan for Success. We Can HELP!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL, on the Beaches of the World!

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream,
The Beach, Our Favorite Place!

I Quit! and So Should You!

Sometimes life is such a struggle. We all go about our daily grind just trying to make endsI quit meet and find some way to get ahead and then Pow, right in the kisser comes life again. We all been there and done that. So, I Proclaim today that “I Quit”. I am tired of trying to work so hard to get ahead and pay the bills. I am tired of living paycheck to paycheck and praying for a miracle to come and take me away. I am just tired of the struggle that we call the “American Dream”. What happened and why are so many fighting just to survive?

If you look around today at what’s really going on you  realize that there is a Revolution happening all around. It’s happening in politics, in the way people do business, the way people communicate and socialize and even the way we live our lives. People are “Tired” of how things are going and the directions that many things around them are taking. Living expenses keep rising and bills stack up, some people are so far in debt that they can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel any longer. Hope seems to fade and people are feeling beat down and slavish to the system. Gone are the days of “get a good job, be loyal so the company will be loyal back and in 40 years just retire”. Things are changing and the Revolution is happening right before our eyes for those that choose to see.

Dream-Big1SO, I Quit! But not like you think. See, I have BIG Dreams about a fantastic life filled with Great people, fun travels and helping others learn to Dream again. I have had this vision for many years but I was too busy to pursue my Dreams. Life has a way of getting in the way of our Dreams because we are too busy to do something about it. We got to get up early, get the kids to school, fight your way through traffic to get to your job you hate anyway. Put in a full day of slaving to the grind and listening to the boss demand more and more of your time, only to rush home and deal with all the things that keep us so busy with life. Got to make dinner, kids homework, clean the house a bit and just relax a moment before you go to bed and get up to do it ALL over again. Sound Familiar? Another day gone and one step farther away from your Dreams instead of closer.

We have been there as well, we spent most of our life just getting by, working for the man and living for the weekend. But I Quit! I quit making excuses for not pursuing my Dreams, I quit letting life get in the way of what I Really wanted to accomplish. I quit listening to people that told me “You can’t do that”, I quit hanging out with those that are negative and toxic in life and just want to drag me down to their level. I quit thinking about what I should do and actually started Doing It. I quit thinking the video camera and the phone weighed 800 pounds and started picking them up and taking Action on things that were going to bring about change. I quit talking about all the things I was going to do and Started DOING Them.quit
You see, we believe there is a Revolution going on today and people are tired of the way things are and they looking to do something different that is going to make a change in their life. There are a LOT of people, just like us, that are reaching their 50’s and going “oh crap, what now?”. We have run into so many people lately that are reaching their later years and realizing that they have to do Something and need to do it NOW! Listen closely you young peeps, You will be better served if you make these changes now, in your younger life, then wait till your 50 to get started. But even to those that are realizing that now is the time and today is the day, congratulations and Welcome to the Revolution.

A Revolution is described as a fundamental change that happens when the “people” rise up and revolt against current authorities or situations. And we believe that is what is happening all around us today. People are tired of the status quo and they looking for a better way. This is also happening in Network Marketing as well and people are looking for a new kind of company and a new culture that is designed to support the distributor or partner instead of just making the owners rich. We are tired of over priced products and comp plans that disqualify you from money you earned because you missed the mark by a hair or they changed the comp plan or whatever they can think of to keep from paying you what you worked so hard for. People are looking for a better way! Mr. Eric Worre, The Network Marketing PRO, says that “Network Marketing isn’t perfect. . . Just Better!” And we believe this with every ounce of energy we can muster. It’s better than your J.O.B. or current situation that keeps you a slave to the grind just getting by.

There is a New Revolution that is taking place and a new way of doing business that is going to Disrupt the Networking and MLM industry. Things are changing and a New Culture of Passion and Love of Living is being born through a well established company. There is a new vision of how to Elevate people to new heights in there life with financial rewards, a Passion for Health and Happiness with Social groups that can literally change the world. We are changing the way Network Marketing is going to impact people and raise more people up without hurting others in the process. Everybody wins because this program benefits Everybody. You hate Network Marketing? Great this program is perfect for you. Your Not a recruiter? Great this program is for you. You want to build a TEAM and create a life-changing Residual Income? Great, this program is Right for You.

I Quit! And I am SO Glad I did. I quit letting others control my destiny and determine my lifestyle and worth. I Quit making excuses why I couldn’t and started taking Action so I Can! I Can do more, be more and give more to my fellow man. I quit wishing things would change and now I am Making things change that are going to create a better life for us and all the others that are seeking help. I quit being a victim and started being a Victor! You can quit too and we would Love to Help You find a better way. It might not be perfect but it’s Way Better than being a slave to the system.

Want to know more about what we are doing and how it might benefit you? You can always visit our personal website at for more info. Come find out who we are and what we are all about but more importantly how we can Help You get started today. Let’s take part in this Revolution to change your personal economy, your Your Passion for Life and Your Lifestyle.  Let’s ALL go on exotic vacations and fun filled trips to destinations you only dream about now. Brutal honesty is: We’re going with you or without you so it’s Your choice if you want to come along for the ride, We would Love to have You! Go Simple TEAM!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL, on the beaches of the world.

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream,
Dean and Dena