You can trade time for dollars or you can learn to leverage the efforts of others to make more income. This is the concept of True Leverage. True Leverage means an increased means by which to attain a desired result. The everyday business man leverages his employees by benefiting from the work they do on a normal work day and leveraging their time and effort to increase his business value. The problem is that the working person that trades his time/hours for dollars can not continue to increase his time spent to leverage more money because there are only so many hours in a day that he or she can work. So how can You use True Leverage to create increased Your income?
Stop trading hours for dollars and start leveraging your value in the market place. We do this with the business model called Network Marketing. With the Network Marketing business model you can use your influence, and network of people all around you, to refer a product and opportunity for anyone to improve their Health, Wealth and Happiness. This business model usually has a low upfront cost and allows anyone, willing to put forth the effort, to accomplish a higher degree of Success in a Home Based Business. In Network Marketing we get paid to refer and move a unique product within our circle of influence thus creating commissions that increase with the number of people in our personal network of business partners we have shared with. We don’t get paid to recruit people, we get paid when we bring people into the opportunity and they purchase the product and refer the products to their network of people that we normally would not have access to. This is True Leverage!
With True Leverage Everyone has the same opportunity to make more money based on the efforts they put forth to increase their network. In the typical business model the CEO makes the most money, the President makes less and answers to the CEO, the Vice President even less and all the way down management to the “employee” that does most of the work and makes the least. This is how most structures in business work and creates less leverage for the average person to make more income without climbing the company ladder. With Network Marketing Everyone has the opportunity to make more than even those above him if he is putting in more effort and moving more product. This network of personal business partners increases product volume and increases dollars made without having to hold a specific level at the top. You can increase your personal business structure by connecting other friends and associates to a unique product or products and it increases the volume of business in your personal organization that pays you on the amount of product or products sold. This is True Leverage!
We get asked all the time, “Well ain’t that one of those pyramid schemes?” And it always makes me chuckle because this same person will be working for a boss that has his company set up on that old “pyramid” structure. This question really comes from a lack of understanding about Network Marketing. Yes, you do get paid from the efforts of others below you because you and your organization are moving more product and creating more commissions for everyone. But even those at the bottom have the same opportunity to make the big checks if they are just willing to bring more people to the table and move more product than those at the top. This whole “pyramid” analogy usually comes from a true ponzi scheme type model where money is obtained in fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned through legitimate sources. Where Network Marketing just rewards organizations or individuals for referring and moving a product thus paying a commission to a group of people that are leveraging the efforts of others. This is True Leverage.
When looking at Network Marketing opportunities you need to look for 5 Main Principals of the Business. They include:
* A Huge Expanding Market where LOTS of people are drawn.
* A Unique and Consumable Product that people buy over and over again.
* Perfect Timing to take advantage of a coming Trend.
* The Leverage to be able to benefit from the efforts of others.
* And One Super Lucrative Comp Plan
These are the five basic principals you are going to need to succeed in a Network Marketing opportunity. One of the biggest markets that has been setting many trends since the 1950’s and forward is the Baby Boomers group. This group was born between 1946 and 1964 and includes an estimated 76 Million people just in the U.S. and as many as 1 Billion people world wide. This group consist of one third of the population but controls 65% of the money in the market place. The Baby Boomers have been setting massive trends in the market place for many years and will continue to do so over the years to come. Some of the marketing trends coming from this group are Health and looking Younger, Retirement opportunities such as Network Marketing, Technology and efficiency’s and many more. If you can position your business in front of one of these, or all of these, then you are likely to take advantage of a major business trend and leverage this expanding market. These Baby Boomers are Not liking what age is doing to them and they want to be more Healthy, Wealthy and Happy in their aging years. If you want to be Brilliantly Compensated You must focus on industries and companies that have positioned themselves in front of the massive trends.
And that is Exactly what we are doing here with our Network Marketing efforts and leveraging these trends and Blugenics product to make ever increasing income via this Huge Expanding market, Unique and Exclusive Consumable products, Perfect Timing to get in front of the Trends and Leveraging our way to the top of the Networking Market place. That’s TRUE LEVERAGE!
If you would like to know more about what we are doing and how we are doing it, I would recommend that you visit our personal website at to get to know more about us and what we are up to. We have spent the last two years putting together the Best Opportunity matched with the best marketing tools available and bringing the Best most effective training to help You reach a level of Success you have dreamed of. Please reach out to us, via Facebook by clicking here, and let’s connect to discuss what Your Goals are and how we can Help You achieve Massive Success with Your Home Business. Join us Today at Simple TEAM!
We have what YOU are looking for!
Can’t wait to meet You ALL on the Beaches of the World!
Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!
Spreadin the Love!
Dean and Dena