A father and his young son were walking through the mountains when the son falls, hurting his leg on a rock. The young man screamed in pain and yelled out “AAhhh!” But to his surprise he heard a voice repeat his cry of ‘AAhhh!’ This of course made the young man very curious so yelled out “Who Are You?” and back came ‘Who Are You?’. Feeling a bit perturbed by this response, he yelled back “Coward” and sure enough came the reply ‘Coward’. Puzzled he looked at his father and asked “What is going on Dad?” and his father smiled and said ‘Son, pay attention”.
Looking across the valley, his father yelled to the mountain, “I admire You!” and the voice answered ‘I admire You!’ Again the father cried out “You Are a Champion” and the voice replied back ‘You Are a Champion”. The boy was Amazed but very confused so his father explained, “You are only hearing an echo, the sound of our voices bouncing back from the mountains. However this is how life really works, it returns to you what you think, say and do!”
Our lives are a Reflection of our thoughts and actions. If you want more love in your world, create more love in your heart. If you want to be treated with kindness then treat others with kindness. If you want more competence on your team be more competent in your play. This relationship applies to everything in all aspects of life. Life will give to you, everything you give to it, only it will give you even more in return.
Your life is never a coincidence because each moment is a Reflection of YOU!
The Universe knows, and recognizes, your thoughts and actions and reflects this back into your world. If you are a negative and skeptical person then the Universe will respond to you with a negative and skeptical life, or a Reflection of You. And so the opposite is true as well. If you are a positive and loving person that is always giving and sharing with others then the Universe will respond and Reflect in your world with positive and loving people and situations. Our world truly is a Reflection of what we spend our energy on in our own lives.
Reflection is defined as “The change in direction of a wave at a boundary between two different media, so that the wave moves back into the medium it came from.” And as such our lives are a Reflection of choices we make in our everyday habits that reflect the choices we make for that day. So if you want better results then you have to make better choices and change your habits that reflect on your life. It reminds me of the Michael Jackson song “The Man in the Mirror”. “I’m starting with the Man in the Mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways, and No message could have been any clearer, if you want to make the world a better place, Take a Look at Yourself and then Make That Change!” The Reflection is You!
Be a Reflection of what you Truly want in your life. If you want more Love then give more Love! If you want more truth, then be more truthful. What you give out, or put out into the Universe, will always return and Reflect into your life and those around you. Reflections start small but grow into Awesomeness over time. A Great Attitude can become a Great Mood, which becomes a Great Day, which becomes a Great Year, which becomes a Great LIFE! Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what we believe about ourselves, we can not outperform our level or self-esteem or draw unto us more than we think we are worth. We do not learn from experience but from Reflecting on our experience.
Reflection, What Do You See? Self reflection is a humbling process, it’s essential to learning why we Think, Say and Do certain things. It’s power is to reflect on our lives, choices and habits so we can learn to Better our self in the process. Reflection is the Power of the Universe to make us more of what we want in our lives and for others by Reflecting the Positive and Loving energy back to the Universe. It’s a Wonderful thing!
“It is on the strength of observation and Reflection that one finds a way, So We Must Dig and Delve Unceasingly!” ~Claud Monet
We invite you to connect with us and see what is possible to achieve in your journey of success. You can certainly learn a little more about us by visiting our personal website at DeanAndDena.com or feel free to contact us via Facebook by clinking here now. You need a plan, a step by step guide to put you on the path to achieving your Dreams and Goals and We Can Help!
Can’t wait to meet You ALL on the beaches of the World! ! ! !
Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!
Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena