Reflection, What Do You See?

A father and his young son were walking through the mountains when the son falls, hurting his leg on a rock. The young man screamed in pain and yelled out “AAhhh!” But to his surprise he heard a voice repeat his cry of ‘AAhhh!’ This of course made the young man very curious so yelled out “Who Are You?” and back came ‘Who Are You?’. Feeling a bit perturbed by this response, he yelled back “Coward” and sure enough came the reply ‘Coward’. Puzzled he looked at his father and asked “What is going on Dad?” and his father smiled and said ‘Son, pay attention”.

Looking across the valley, his father yelled to the mountain, “I admire You!” and the voice answered ‘I admire You!’ Again the father cried out “You Are a Champion” and the voice replied back ‘You Are a Champion”. The boy was Amazed but very confused so his father explained, “You are only hearing an echo, the sound of our voices bouncing back from the mountains. However this is how life really works, it returns to you what you think, say and do!”

Our lives are a Reflection of our thoughts and actions. If you want more love in your world, create more love in your heart. If you want to be treated with kindness then treat others with kindness. If you want more competence on your team be more competent in your play. This relationship applies to everything in all aspects of life. Life will give to you, everything you give to it, only it will give you even more in return.

Your life is never a coincidence because each moment is a Reflection of YOU!

The Universe knows, and recognizes, your thoughts and actions and reflects this back into your world. If you are a negative and skeptical person then the Universe will respond to you with a negative and skeptical life, or a Reflection of You. And so the opposite is true as well. If you are a positive and loving person that is always giving and sharing with others then the Universe will respond and Reflect in your world with positive and loving people and situations. Our world truly is a Reflection of what we spend our energy on in our own lives.

Reflection is defined as “The change in direction of a wave at a boundary between two different media, so that the wave moves back into the medium it came from.” And as such our lives are a Reflection of choices we make in our everyday habits that reflect the choices we make for that day. So if you want better results then you have to make better choices and change your habits that reflect on your life. It reminds me of the Michael Jackson song “The Man in the Mirror”. “I’m starting with the Man in the Mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways, and No message could have been any clearer, if you want to make the world a better place, Take a Look at Yourself and then Make That Change!” The Reflection is You!

Be a Reflection of what you Truly want in your life. If you want more Love then give more Love! If you want more truth, then be more truthful. What you give out, or put out into the Universe, will always return and Reflect into your life and those around you. Reflections start small but grow into Awesomeness over time. A Great Attitude can become a Great Mood, which becomes a Great Day, which becomes a Great Year, which becomes a Great LIFE! Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what we believe about ourselves, we can not outperform our level or self-esteem or draw unto us more than we think we are worth. We do not learn from experience but from Reflecting on our experience.

Reflection, What Do You See? Self reflection is a humbling process, it’s essential to learning why we Think, Say and Do certain things. It’s power is to reflect on our lives, choices and habits so we can learn to Better our self in the process. Reflection is the Power of the Universe to make us more of what we want in our lives and for others by Reflecting the Positive and Loving energy back to the Universe. It’s a Wonderful thing!

“It is on the strength of observation and Reflection that one finds a way, So We Must Dig and Delve Unceasingly!” ~Claud Monet

We invite you to connect with us and see what is possible to achieve in your journey of success. You can certainly learn a little more about us by visiting our personal website at or feel free to contact us via Facebook by clinking here now. You need a plan, a step by step guide to put you on the path to achieving your Dreams and Goals and We Can Help!

Can’t wait to meet You ALL on the beaches of the World! ! ! !

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Can You Just Be Present?

My how times have changed. We were born in the early 60’s and grew up through the 70’s and 80’s and it was a Glorious time. Came out of highphone school before there ever was an internet and learned to type on an old fashioned typewritter. There were no cell phones, no computers and no internet and somehow we still got by. We used to talk all the time, because there wasn’t anything else to do. It was even a big deal to get your allotted time on the phone. You had to go in the hall because there was only one phone in the house and it hung on the wall with one LONG cord that was always a tangled mess. But we Loved to talk! We always sat and talked about everything or anything, it was a Glorious time.

Then came the internet and computers and suddenly you could communicate without even having to write a letter. Email they called it and that was pretty cool. Gone were the days of encyclopedias and libraries as Google ushered in a new way of finding information. Never forget my first computer, a Super 486, think it had a whole 16 megs of ram and a new thing called a disc drive. I remember my dad saying I wasted my money because no one needed a CDRom? He didn’t even think you needed that stupid thing called a mouse, after all you had direction buttons on the keyboard. LOL, that was funny then and still funny today. Then came the cell phone, that big bag thing that weighed 40 lbs. What a marvelous and wonderful piece of hardware that was. You could place a call from anywhere, and maybe get through, wasn’t many towers back then.

But let’s fast forward to Today! Wow, how things have changed. We went from sitting in the hall on a phone that didn’t go NO where to carrying one around in our pocket. Now you could actually place a call from Almost anywhere. And to my continued amazement Apple bust on the scene with a “Smart Phone” that would actually access the internet, Man that’s COOL! This gave birth to Social Media and instant chats with anyone any time. Now you didn’t even have to run home to see what was in your email or who was trying to chat with you, just pull out your Smart Phone and go to town. Now days  practically EVERYONE sits around with their head buried in their phone or device. And thus the phenomena arises.

SmartPhonePeople have become SO Addicted to their device that people don’t talk with those right in front of them. They sit down for dinner or to visit and no one can take their eyes off the phone, they just sit there and stare at the device. Look around, it’s becoming an epidemic. Even the youth are starting to have neck problems from the bad posture of constantly hanging their head down to focus on the phone. You see couples sitting at restaurants just staring at their phone and not even visiting with each other. You get together with friends and next thing you know no one is talking because they are all just caught up in the latest on Facebook or Instagram instead of being “Present” in your company. Can You Be Present?”

If not then Shame on you. Turn off the damn phone and enjoy the moment you have in the company of a friend or loved ones. Nothing in that phone is even close to being as important as the conversation you could be having but aren’t. Time is SO Precious and we waste SO much of it anyway that when it comes to sitting down, face to face, to be “Present” in the moment don’t waste these precious moments staring into space. How many relationships are destroyed by this technology? I would venture to say A Lot! As a man that has been married for 35 years and still best friends I can tell you that “Talking” is a major component of a relationship. If you are ignoring your significant other because you are more interested in that cute meme on Facebook I can promise you that your are headed for trouble. Take advantage of the time you have together, which usually isn’t that much, and just be Present in the moment and TALK. You will be amazed at how much better you get along when you are visiting, laughing and enjoying each others company.

So, how does this relate to Network Marketing? You knew I would get around to it! Here’s the deal, we Network by having meetings and giving presentations about our opportunity and or products. I can tell you that Nothing gets under my skin faster than someone I am trying to talk about my business with that keeps getting interrupted every five minutes by their phone. And the same goes for us as Professional Network Marketers, if you have someone that went to all the trouble to meet up with you, and hear your presentation about your products or opportunity, and all you can do is keep stopping to see who’s calling or what was that message then you lost the battle already. BE PRESENT when you are in the presence of a prospect. Put the phone down, turn it off if you have to, but give your prospect 100% of your attention. You can not be effective when you are constantly interrupted by your phone.

Same goes for the prospect. The meeting with a prospect is not about how good you are it’s about “Are they Qualified to partner with You in your business?” If they can not even give you 30 or 45 mins uninterrupted then how are they ever going to focus on building a business. When you let a prospect take control of the situation and their phone is more important than you, then you are coming from a position of weakness. You are letting them dictate the terms of the meeting. Never let them have control of the meeting. You are the one interviewing them to see if they are qualified, not the other way around. I know, to some of you this sounds harsh and you think I’m being arrogant, but I’m not. See, I am a Profesbepresentsional Network Marketer that takes my Profession and my Mission Very Seriously. I am not just looking for anyone with a heartbeat to be on my team. I am looking for someone So Hungry they Have to Succeed. I want the one that wants it more than me, the one that pays close attention to everything and hangs on every word you speak. The one that takes notes and ask questions that are relevant to their Success in this business. If someone can’t take put that phone away and Be Present while I put my time and effort into showing them the Best Plan Ever, then I don’t need them and neither do you.

Be Present, pay attention to the moment and listen to what others are saying to you. You might just learn some things that could carry you through to a happier place and time in life. Be Present, because tomorrow might never come and you may have wasted the last chance you had to say what you wanted to say or hear what you wanted to hear. Be PRESENT, Because that’s Respect! Just Be Present! Live today not in your phone but face to face, You’ll Be Glad You Did!

We are Professional Network Marketers that hold the up most Respect for this business and we are looking for others just like us. If you don’t have time, that’s fine cause I don’t either. But if you have the Desire to do Whatever it takes to Succeed and Reach Your Dreams, then I got all the time in the world for you. Let’s have a conversation, face to face, belly to belly to discuss how we might come together and partner up for the ride of a Lifetime with our Simple TEAM. If you would like to know more about us, Who we are and What we do and Why then you can always come visit our personal webpage at to know more. There is info on what we are doing that lets us live the Simple Life that most only wish for And, How it might benefit you to get Serious about what you are doing to Reach Your Dreams and Goals. We Can Help! And we would Love To!

As always, Can’t wait to meet you all! on the Beaches of the World.

Ever Onward! cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love,
Dean and Dena 

Dean and Dena Battle 4 Kids Fighting Cancer!

I Quit! and So Should You!

Sometimes life is such a struggle. We all go about our daily grind just trying to make endsI quit meet and find some way to get ahead and then Pow, right in the kisser comes life again. We all been there and done that. So, I Proclaim today that “I Quit”. I am tired of trying to work so hard to get ahead and pay the bills. I am tired of living paycheck to paycheck and praying for a miracle to come and take me away. I am just tired of the struggle that we call the “American Dream”. What happened and why are so many fighting just to survive?

If you look around today at what’s really going on you  realize that there is a Revolution happening all around. It’s happening in politics, in the way people do business, the way people communicate and socialize and even the way we live our lives. People are “Tired” of how things are going and the directions that many things around them are taking. Living expenses keep rising and bills stack up, some people are so far in debt that they can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel any longer. Hope seems to fade and people are feeling beat down and slavish to the system. Gone are the days of “get a good job, be loyal so the company will be loyal back and in 40 years just retire”. Things are changing and the Revolution is happening right before our eyes for those that choose to see.

Dream-Big1SO, I Quit! But not like you think. See, I have BIG Dreams about a fantastic life filled with Great people, fun travels and helping others learn to Dream again. I have had this vision for many years but I was too busy to pursue my Dreams. Life has a way of getting in the way of our Dreams because we are too busy to do something about it. We got to get up early, get the kids to school, fight your way through traffic to get to your job you hate anyway. Put in a full day of slaving to the grind and listening to the boss demand more and more of your time, only to rush home and deal with all the things that keep us so busy with life. Got to make dinner, kids homework, clean the house a bit and just relax a moment before you go to bed and get up to do it ALL over again. Sound Familiar? Another day gone and one step farther away from your Dreams instead of closer.

We have been there as well, we spent most of our life just getting by, working for the man and living for the weekend. But I Quit! I quit making excuses for not pursuing my Dreams, I quit letting life get in the way of what I Really wanted to accomplish. I quit listening to people that told me “You can’t do that”, I quit hanging out with those that are negative and toxic in life and just want to drag me down to their level. I quit thinking about what I should do and actually started Doing It. I quit thinking the video camera and the phone weighed 800 pounds and started picking them up and taking Action on things that were going to bring about change. I quit talking about all the things I was going to do and Started DOING Them.quit
You see, we believe there is a Revolution going on today and people are tired of the way things are and they looking to do something different that is going to make a change in their life. There are a LOT of people, just like us, that are reaching their 50’s and going “oh crap, what now?”. We have run into so many people lately that are reaching their later years and realizing that they have to do Something and need to do it NOW! Listen closely you young peeps, You will be better served if you make these changes now, in your younger life, then wait till your 50 to get started. But even to those that are realizing that now is the time and today is the day, congratulations and Welcome to the Revolution.

A Revolution is described as a fundamental change that happens when the “people” rise up and revolt against current authorities or situations. And we believe that is what is happening all around us today. People are tired of the status quo and they looking for a better way. This is also happening in Network Marketing as well and people are looking for a new kind of company and a new culture that is designed to support the distributor or partner instead of just making the owners rich. We are tired of over priced products and comp plans that disqualify you from money you earned because you missed the mark by a hair or they changed the comp plan or whatever they can think of to keep from paying you what you worked so hard for. People are looking for a better way! Mr. Eric Worre, The Network Marketing PRO, says that “Network Marketing isn’t perfect. . . Just Better!” And we believe this with every ounce of energy we can muster. It’s better than your J.O.B. or current situation that keeps you a slave to the grind just getting by.

There is a New Revolution that is taking place and a new way of doing business that is going to Disrupt the Networking and MLM industry. Things are changing and a New Culture of Passion and Love of Living is being born through a well established company. There is a new vision of how to Elevate people to new heights in there life with financial rewards, a Passion for Health and Happiness with Social groups that can literally change the world. We are changing the way Network Marketing is going to impact people and raise more people up without hurting others in the process. Everybody wins because this program benefits Everybody. You hate Network Marketing? Great this program is perfect for you. Your Not a recruiter? Great this program is for you. You want to build a TEAM and create a life-changing Residual Income? Great, this program is Right for You.

I Quit! And I am SO Glad I did. I quit letting others control my destiny and determine my lifestyle and worth. I Quit making excuses why I couldn’t and started taking Action so I Can! I Can do more, be more and give more to my fellow man. I quit wishing things would change and now I am Making things change that are going to create a better life for us and all the others that are seeking help. I quit being a victim and started being a Victor! You can quit too and we would Love to Help You find a better way. It might not be perfect but it’s Way Better than being a slave to the system.

Want to know more about what we are doing and how it might benefit you? You can always visit our personal website at for more info. Come find out who we are and what we are all about but more importantly how we can Help You get started today. Let’s take part in this Revolution to change your personal economy, your Your Passion for Life and Your Lifestyle.  Let’s ALL go on exotic vacations and fun filled trips to destinations you only dream about now. Brutal honesty is: We’re going with you or without you so it’s Your choice if you want to come along for the ride, We would Love to have You! Go Simple TEAM!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL, on the beaches of the world.

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream,
Dean and Dena

Is Your Reason Good Enough?

Everyone is looking for some kind of “Change” in their life. For some it’s to change their current financial situation for others it’s a change of status or lifestyle or even where you live, but “Change” is a common desire for most people. This desire to change current situations can be a growing experience or, for some it is the change itself that holds so many people back from their dreams. Many people want to change but they don’t have a big enough reason to make the change so today we ask; “Is Your Reason Good Enough?”

Sometimes this “reason” is also referred to as your “Why” and it really determines your ability to make the change you desire. If you are seeking to change a situation then you have to have a big enough “reason” or “why” that is going to move you to do the things necessary for the change to occur. Too often we meet people that want to change this or that but when you really drill down, we discover that their reasons just aren’t big enough to make them commit to the task needed to see the change come about. This change can also be smothered in fear and doubt that squashes many personal dreams and goals. Your reason for change has to be the core motivation that is going to move you away from your comfort zone and toward your desired change.

commitmentThe second level of this “reason” is your commitment to your why. Are you committed and determined to this “why” enough to actually do the things necessary to change? Sometimes we want change and we even know why but actually doing something about it is a whole different story. Your degree of commitment is going to determine the outcome of what you want to change and this commitment must be strong for some reasons and even stronger for others. If you are totally committed to making a change in your current situation then you will find a way to make it happen but if not, you will just find an excuse why it didn’t. The infamous Jim Rohn had a saying: “If you don’t like how things are then Change, You are not a tree!”

If you really want to change things in your life then you need to connect with your “Emotional Why”. We normally change things from an Emotional stance more often then an Intellectual stance because our emotions have more effect than just a thought. If you just think about a change, it can become just a passing thought but when you are emotional about making a change then you have a bigger reason to find an answer to the situation. This emotional why is what can move you and cause you to work out a plan that will increase your chances of success and change. We ask people “Why are you starting a home based business?” and we often here “I want to make more money”, and though that is a good reason that is not an emotional why. The bigger question would be “What do you want to do with this money that is going to make you want to get busy and build your business?” Is it pay off your mortgage? or buy a new car? or help send your kid to college? or what? See, this is an Emotional Why and not just a quick simplified reason.

We have to dig deep and define Exactly what the reasons are that we are going to dig-deepsucceed in our new business endeavor and change our current situation. Don’t throw out generalizations about why but find specific reasons and desired outcomes that will define, to a tee, exactly what this success or change looks like. Create a mental picture of Exactly what you want the outcome to be and build on the exact reasons you are willing to go the extra effort to get there. This emotional why is going to determine if you actually get there or not and if your “reason” or “why” isn’t strong enough then you will not find the will and determination to create the change. So we ask again, “Is Your Reason Good Enough?”

We have been working with children fighting cancer for almost 9 years now and really love this blessed work. The need is Great and there are many families that are fighting this horrible disease of childhood cancer. We started out just doing small fund raisers to help local kids and quickly connected with many others with the same needs. We then started a Hope Box Program where we sent boxes of presents to brave fighters all over the country that included whatever they wanted and needed to bring just a moment of happiness into their troubled lives. We always included the other siblings in the household so no one gets left out and really enjoy the smiles and joy that we get back when their parents send back pictures. This continued to build until we had to create a legal Non Profit Foundation 501 c3 because it was just getting to big to do as a hobby and we needed the funding to continue our mission. We now hold many big events for our fighters and families throughout the year and we enjoy getting together with all these families on a regular basis. We Love what we are blessed to do, but childhood cancer is a horrible world to witness and watch as families see their children experience treatments, hospital stays and even the loss of their baby and loved one. It really is heart wrenching but the joy of loving and giving to these families is what makes it all worth the effort.

b4acThis is our “Emotional Why” and the reason we are completely committed to being successful with our home business. In times of doubt and frustration we know that we have no choice but to get up and do it again because we have so many depending on us to help them in need. All the programs and events we do cost a lot of money and we are blessed to be able to do this work. Our success in business is what is going to connect us with like minded people and companies that are going to help us carry on this great work and bless these families with Hope and Love in anyway we can. We are 100% committed to our Emotional Why and know exactly what the reasons are for making sure we expand our value to this cause. It’s not just a want-to attitude, it’s a Must DO attitude that keeps us going and moving forward so we can help more brave fighters and their families in a time of great need.

So, “Is Your Reason Good Enough?” We don’t tell you about our “why” to gloat or brag about the work we do, we tell you this to help you connect with Your Emotional Why. If you are looking to change something or achieve a desired goal in life then you need to connect with the REAL Reason that you are going to make it happen. What is IT that is going to make you jump out of bed and get busy, what is it that is going to make you step out of your comfort zone and do something that your future self is going to thank you for? Change is easy to talk about and simple reasons are a dime a dozen but true Emotional Why’s are the core of creating change. We should all spend more time talking with the person in the mirror and digging deeper to understand the real reasons that we are going to “Go For It” instead of just talk about it. Take a little time to truly connect with your Emotional Why and you will start to see things in a different light and seek out answers instead of excuses.

Our Why is bigger than any one of us and constantly moves us to be more, do more amandaand experience more in this Wonderful twist of events we call life. If you need some help discovering your true Emotional Why then Please reach out and let’s connect. Sometimes if we just ask better questions and dig deeper we find out what is really important in life and what really matters to us all. Our Foundation is called Battle For a Cure Foundation and we would love your support. We Stand with the Smallest Fighters in a Battle of a Lifetime and support the whole family in Great times of need. We funded our first clinical trial into brain cancer last year and we are getting ready to fund a new trial this year to help find a cure for this horrible disease. These trials are very expensive but without the trials into new medications and treatments they will never find a cure. These events and programs we do take funds to make them happen and we always need the help from volunteers and donations. You can find our webpage at or connect with us via Facebook by clicking here. We try to keep everyone up to speed on what is going on and provide updates on many of our brave fighters. If you find it in your heart to help, it would be Greatly Appreciated.

We are building a Team of like minded Network Marketers that want to make a difference in the world and are looking to connect with their own Emotional Why. We would Love to visit with you about what we are doing that might Help You move your life experience to a whole new level. We have the experience and all the tools you need to find Your own level of Success in life, we just need to connect with You. If you want to learn a little more about who we are and what we are all about you can always visit our personal website at or connect with us on Facebook by clicking here. We are committed to Helping You connect with Your Real Reasons for Success so please let us know what we can do to Help You out. Join our Simple Dream TEAM Today!

We can’t wait to meet you ALL, on the Beaches of the World!

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Battle for a Cure Foundation with Dean and Dena
Dean and Dena Support

We’re Playing the Long Game

Is life really just a game? Like the game of chess we make our moves and we strategizechess our plan hoping for a desired outcome or Win at the end. Some people have Great plans while others just go about life reacting to the moment with no real plan at all. We all have to make decisions about how we are going to play this game based on the outcome we desire. Sometimes people play the “short game” and are scattered about by instant convenience and the drama of the day, where others play “the Long Game” and plan their moves with great strategy. They have goals, daily task, a defined “why” they are in the game at all and they work diligently to execute their game plan. They are “Playing the Long Game”.

Network Marketing has these aspects as well and we see far too many people playing the short game of “get rich quick” or “instant fortunes” via money games and hyped up promises of wealth. When in reality, to Succeed in Network Marketing you must play the long game to win and achieve your dreams. We have many who join our business with great intentions and hopes but thirty days down the road they are ready to quit because they didn’t “make it” in Network Marketing. What a fallacy in the networking industry because it takes time and effort to actually build an organization and team that can pay you the residual income that Everyone desires.

The money games are everywhere and use hype and fluffed promises of over night riches and instant millionaires with fancy homes and exotic sports cars. But the majority of people we know that are succeeding with their home based business did their homework and made a plan to get from where they are now to where they wanted to be. We call this “Playing the Long Game“! We spent the last two years looking at different programs and companies, even joining a few, just to see what their mission is and how they related to their distributors. We were looking for a newer company that didn’t already have a large following but still had the solid foundation and core systems to position themselves for Massive Growth. MassiveBusinessGrowthWe talked to owners and distributors alike to find out what they see in the industry and how they would work to maximize the potential for growth. We also wanted to know how they were going to accomplish this in the networking field and within their business platform. We wanted to know how they were going to be compliant with the FTC and have a true business model of customers, affiliates and distributors to maintain a long lasting platform for their business. These are all very serious questions and often over looked by the distributor in the field but very important to the Success of any business.

There is NO shortage of Network Marketing companies out there and you can find about 27 Million entries if you Google “best network marketing company” today. If someone is just looking for another program to join they can do this in about 1.5 seconds via a search, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. Again, are you playing the short game or the Long Game? Picking the wrong company based on a flashy website can be a major setback and cost you lots of money with little success. Or having a company fold on you because they were just playing money games or just a recruiting platform with no real customers. The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) is really scrutinizing networking companies and trying to weed out the bad ones that are really just ponzi schemes or money games. This makes it really important to research the company that you are going to put your time and effort into so you know you have a solid future ahead.

We live in an instant society where everyone has become accustom to right here, right now instant-gratificationcommerce and satisfaction. People are able to get just about anything they want at the push of a button these days and then think that they can join a business and see instant results. Sorry but it just doesn’t work quite that way in Network Marketing. I wrote a blog about this some time ago that compared Network Marketing to Working Out at the gym. You can not go on a diet for a month and expect to reach all your health goals just to return to your old self after this short time. And in Network Marketing you can’t join a business for a month and then declare it a failure because you didn’t make ten grand right out the box.

But, You Can Play the Long Game! You can find the right company with the right sponsor and coaches that can teach you the skills to help you make a plan that will get your new home based business started  up and running toward Success. This is a process and takes a little time but the rewards are Greater than any J.O.B. you will ever have. We find that it is “Time Freedom” that most people really desire in life because most are tired of running the rat race and working their tail off to build someone else’ dream-life. If You Commit to the process and Educate Yourself on the skills and tools needed to succeed, then you can learn to take Massive Action to reach Your Own Dream Life. We call this “Playing the Long Game“!

We have done the homework and researched the companies to come up with the most Exciting opportunity in Network Marketing today. We have talked with the owners and people in the field to make sure they are executing a plan that is going to bring True Value to the market place and build a platform that will sustain a profitable business for the long term. We made sure they have considered everyone in the process from the basic customer to the team builder so that Everyone gets rewarded for their efforts. This company needs Unique and Consumable products that bring real value at realistic prices so people can afford them. We also wanted to make sure the purchases make sense and are not over priced just to support the commission structure. They also need to have the core systems that will be required to take this program to the masses on a massive scale and be able to produce when they have to. We wanted a company that will have Global implications to expand their market and be able to  reach out to customers and distributors all over the world. We were looking for a company that was “Playing the Long Game” and not just playing money games.

It’s been a long search for such a solid company with great potential but we have planted our flag and found our home.

We are looking to build a Massive Organization with the Simple TEAM and Engage Micro Daily and yes, we would love to connect with you about this exciting new opportunity. You can also visit our personal website at to learn more about who we are and what we are all about.

We Are Playing the Long Game with Simple Dream TEAM and we would Love to have You join our TEAM!

Please let us know how we can help You reach your goals by putting together a game plan to get you from where you are now to where you want to be in the near future. We Can Help! You can reach us via social media, email or phone if you only reach out and connect.

We can’t wait to meet You ALL, on the Beaches of the World!

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream,
Simple TEAM with Dean and Dena

The Entrepreneur Inside You?

While listening to a webinar the other night with some multi-million dollar earners in NetworkEntrepreneur Marketing there was a conversation about being an Entrepreneur. The discussion was one that really made me stop and ponder the whole meaning of being a Real Entrepreneur or just being a disgruntled employee, there is a big difference. I was setting there listening to Network Super Star Mark Hooverson discuss how he knew, when he was even a little kid, that he had the Entrepreneur spirit and how even in his youth he always knew he could do more, be more and have more if he just did his own gig instead of working for someone else. I could relate because I had been making money on my own since I was about 12 years old when dear ole Dad loaded me up and took me to the store to buy a lawn mower. He wheeled it outside and said “Here, the first $35 you make pays me back, after that Your in business!” and I was off to start my enterprise.

Entrepreneurial spirit is a mindset. It’s an attitude and approach to thinking that actively seeks out change, rather than waiting to adapt to change. It’s a mindset that embraces critical questioning, innovation, service and continuous improvement. This spirit comes from the inside and burns like a passion to make things happen that will increase our value and worth. Entrepreneurship can be defined as “…the capacity and willingness to develop, organize, and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit.” This burning desire to do your own thing is not for everyone but can be had by anyone that is willing to “do the deal” or work harder to be better everyday. This comes from “Commitment, Education and Action”. Anyone can learn to run their own business but not everyone will make the effort. It takes a special kind of willingness to push yourself, and get it done on your own, that some people just don’t have. Too often people are only motivated when the are pushed by outside forces instead of pushing themselves and this usually comes in the form of a boss. As long as someone is telling them when to work, how much to work and what they have to do, then they can perform a service, but to push their own efforts and do things without the outside influence then they just don’t get it done, they would rather watch another season of TV then actually do something that might increase their standard of living.

wantedThe Real Entrepreneur seeks out the knowledge to develop and organize a business plan that they can execute to build something that is greater than what they had yesterday. They are willing to take risk and step out of the comfort zone to do the things that most just won’t do. Just because you hate your job or you hate your boss and wish you could work for yourself doesn’t always transfer into a Successful home based business. We hear it all the time, “man I just want to quit my job and work from home” and that is a novel idea alright but the key word here is “work”. You Can work from home and you Can make way more money working from home then you do at your soul sucking J.O.B. (Just Over Broke). But the challenge becomes, what are you willing to do to make that happen? Are you truly interested in learning new life skills and organizing a game plan that will kick start your new business, OR do you just wish you could sit around the house all day and play around on Facebook?

Anyone can be an Entrepreneur! But let’s go back to the definition of being a True Entrepreneur “…the capacity and willingness to develop, organize, and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit.” This is why so many people fail in Network Marketing, they get involved for all the right reasons but life is busy, people work long hours at their job, kids got activities and more often then not these people don’t take the time to learn the skills needed and actually do a business. You Must Commit, Educate and Act, it really is that simple. It starts with You and learning how to change your mindset from an employee to Entrepreneur. Your Success really comes down to Your “Why”, the real reason you started with Network Marketing to begin with. If it was just out of curiosity and you aren’t really committed to your “Why” then your chance of creating Success drastically goes down. But if your “Why” is bigger than your excuses then you will have the necessary drive to learn the skills and do the deal of moving your home based business forward.

Most people have a reason that they got started with Network Marketing. It usually is more aboutfreedom “time freedom” than just money. We all want the freedom to spend time with our family and children and stop working so many hours of our life. We usually put ourselves in these situations by thinking we need the new car or bigger house and can’t keep our credit card in our wallet and the next thing you know we need to bring in more and more money just to survive. That’s usually when someone sees an ad about work from home, make extra money and they jump on the train hoping to escape the rat race of life. And sometimes necessity is a Great motivator but it can be a double edge sword as well. Too often people have gotten themselves in such a financial bind that they can’t seem to find any available funds to work their new business and so they just quit again and return to what they know best, the ole J.O.B., the comfort zone, another season of Dancing with the Stars or what ever sneaks in and steals their Dreams.

The True Entrepreneur is filled with a passion and a spirit that burns inside and moves them to learn more, do more and certainly Be More! They cannot be content with being a good employee and just getting by in life. The Entrepreneur seeks out the knowledge and life skills that will help them to put together a plan and execute their plan for Massive Success. They set their goals and monitor their progress always looking for a way to increase the value they bring that increases the rewards they reap, it’s a Beautiful thing. Some are born with this burning desire and some just have to learn this skill from where they are in life. It really doesn’t matter what has happened in the past because you can’t change any of that if you wanted to, but it does matter what you do Today that will change where you are going tomorrow. If you have the natural Entrepreneurial Spirit then embrace it and get started on a plan that will create your Dream Life. If you need to learn this skill then by all means, find the education, the support group and surround your self with people that are of the same mindset and change. Jim Rohn says, “If You don’t like where you are in life, Change It, you’re not a tree!”. That’s some Good advice.

Is there an Entrepreneur inside you just waiting to be set Free? We sure hope so! We Love Network Marketing because it gives the average person an opportunity to be Great and do things that others only wish they could do. Will everyone succeed at this Great opportunity? Probably not, but that is Totally up to You. Could You use some help in getting started? Well that is why we are here. We have learned to work with people from where they are at, get them the education and skills to start and then give them the support and training to move their home business forward. We have gone before you to learn what to do and what not to do so that you can lean on us for guidance. We have the training, we have the opportunity, we have the support and we are here to Help.


If You would like to know more about what we do, how we do it and most importantly How it can benefit YOU, then please reach out to us and lets connect. Let us help you develop a plan and map out a strategy that can Help You realize that Dream Life you want so badly. You can always learn more about what we do by visiting our personal website at You can connect with us via Facebook by clicking here, or shoot us an email or Something, Just reach out cause we are here to Help. We have a plan and we can get you started if you just make a move.
Simple TEAM!

We can’t wait to meet You ALL, on the beaches of the world.

Ever Onward! cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream,
the Simple Life with Dean and Dena

True Leverage Makes You Money

You can trade time for dollars or you can learn to leverage the efforts of others to makeleverage more income. This is the concept of True Leverage. True Leverage means an increased means by which to attain a desired result. The everyday business man leverages his employees by benefiting from the work they do on a normal work day and leveraging their time and effort to increase his business value. The problem is that the working person that trades his time/hours for dollars can not continue to increase his time spent to leverage more money because there are only so many hours in a day that he or she can work. So how can You use True Leverage to create increased Your income?

Stop trading hours for dollars and start leveraging your value in the market place. We do this with the business model called Network Marketing. With the Network Marketing business model you can use your influence, and network of people all around you, to refer a product and opportunity for anyone to improve their Health, Wealth and Happiness. This business model usually has a low upfront cost and allows anyone, willing to put forth the effort, to accomplish a higher degree of Success in a Home Based Business. In Network Marketing we get paid to refer and move a unique product within our circle of influence thus creating commissions that increase with the number of people in our personal network of business partners we have shared with. We don’t get paid to recruit people, we get paid when we bring people into the opportunity and they purchase the product and refer the products to their network of people that we normally would not have access to. This is True Leverage!

overworkedWith True Leverage Everyone has the same opportunity to make more money based on the efforts they put forth to increase their network. In the typical business model the CEO makes the most money, the President makes less and answers to the CEO, the Vice President even less and all the way down management to the “employee” that does most of the work and makes the least. This is how most structures in business work and creates less leverage for the average person to make more income without climbing the company ladder. With Network Marketing Everyone has the opportunity to make more than even those above him if he is putting in more effort and moving more product. This network of personal business partners increases product volume and increases dollars made without having to hold a specific level at the top. You can increase your personal business structure by connecting other friends and associates to a unique product or products and it increases the volume of business in your personal organization that pays you on the amount of product or products sold. This is True Leverage!

We get asked all the time, “Well ain’t that one of those pyramid schemes?” And it always makes me chuckle because this same person will be working for a boss that has his company set up on that old “pyramid” structure. This question really comes from a lack of understanding about Network Marketing. Yes, you do get paid from the efforts of others below you because you and your organization are moving more product and creating more commissions for everyone. But even those at the bottom havepyramid the same opportunity to make the big checks if they are just willing to bring more people to the table and move more product than those at the top. This whole “pyramid” analogy usually comes from a true ponzi scheme type model where money is obtained in fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned through legitimate sources. Where Network Marketing just rewards organizations or individuals for referring and moving a product thus paying a commission to a group of people that are leveraging the efforts of others. This is True Leverage.

When looking at Network Marketing opportunities you need to look for 5 Main Principals of the Business. They include:
* A Huge Expanding Market where LOTS of people are drawn.
* A Unique and Consumable Product that people buy over and over again.

* Perfect Timing to take advantage of a coming Trend.
* The Leverage to be able to benefit from the efforts of others.
* And One Super Lucrative Comp Plan

These are the five basic principals you are going to need to succeed in a Network Marketing opportunity. One of the biggest markets that has been setting many trends since the 1950’s and forward is the Baby Boomers group. This group was born between 1946 and 1964 and includes an estimated 76 Million people just in the U.S. and as many as 1 Billion people world wide. This group consist of one third of the population but controls 65% of the money in the market place. The Baby Boomers have been setting massive trends in the market place for many years and will continue to do so over the years to come. Some of the marketing trends coming from this group are Health and looking Younger, Retirement opportunities such as Network Marketing, Technology and efficiency’s and many more. If you can position your business in front of one of these, or all of these, then you are likely to take advantage of a major business trend and leverage this expanding market. These Baby Boomers are Not liking what age is doing to them and they want to be more Healthy, Wealthy and Happy in their aging years. If you want to be Brilliantly Compensated You must focus on industries and companies that have positioned themselves in front of the massive trends.

And that is Exactly what we are doing here with our Network Marketing efforts and leveraging these trends and Blugenics product to make ever increasing income via this Huge Expanding market, Unique and Exclusive Consumable products, Perfect Timing to get in front of the Trends and Leveraging our way to the top of the Networking Market place. That’s TRUE LEVERAGE!

If you would like to know more about what we are doing and how we are doing it, I would recommend that you visit our personal website at to get to know more about us and what we are up to.  We have spent the last two years putting together the Best Opportunity matched with the best marketing tools available and bringing the Best most effective training to help You reach a level of Success you have dreamed of. Please reach out to us, via Facebook by clicking here, and let’s connect to discuss what Your Goals are and how we can Help You achieve Massive Success with Your Home Business. Join us Today at Simple TEAM!
We have what YOU are looking for!

Can’t wait to meet You ALL on the Beaches of the World!

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love!
Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream,
Dean and Dena’s Simple Life!

Thinking About Retirement?

They say that Retirement is the day you finally stop living at work and start working atRetired-Couple-300x224 living. This is a moment in time that is mostly thought of for the elders in our society that have worked for forty years and finally reached a point in life where they can start a new journey, Retirement. No job, no stress, no alarm clock and no commute, what a glorious thing to be retired.

Retirement is a time to start one’s Golden Phase and learn to live again and give your childhood dreams one more try. But statistics show that most people are not ready or able to retire even when they have reached this special time of life. The old American Dream of get a good job, work 40 years and retire with benefits is harder and harder to accomplish. Too often we see the elders squeezed out of the job market, let go before they reach that magical point and replaced with younger, cheaper talent. And that is understandable but really hard on those that have worked so hard only to find out they are not needed and too expensive to keep around. It’s a vicious cycle that is playing out every day with those of us that are over 50 and still working.

Retirement is suppose to be a time of Adventure, Relaxation, Friendships and Travel. But, the statistics show that the average savings of a 50 year old in America are only $42,797.00 and yet you will need over $700,000.00 in savings just to maintain an income of $4,000.00 or so a month, which is less than $50G per year to live off of. All at a time in life when medical cost increase, cost of living in general continues to increase, cost of food, electric and all the daily needs just go up as our time passes by. As much as 80 percent of people 30-54 fear they will not have enough money saved up to even be able to retire in their later years. So what gives? Do You have a plan to reach this Golden Phase in life?

Plan.BHow about we offer an alternative, a different plan that can not only provide a great income but also offer better Health, Wealth and Happiness. A plan that you can start on now, and make it work even if you are already over 50 or even later in life. You get to meet new and exciting people that are positive and motivated to experience all that life has to offer. You get to experience new and exciting nutrition products that can Elevate your Health and help you live a better, more productive life. You get the opportunity to make some extra income and Elevate your Wealth so you have more resources to travel and do the things you always thought retirement would be like. And all this makes you a Happier Retired Awesome person that others can only envy. It sure beats sitting on the couch watching Judge Judy reruns eating ramen noodles!

Retirement should be a time of Joy and Adventure not a time of loneliness and depravity. Network Marketing is one of the smartest journeys you can start whether you are 20 years old or 55 years old. But if you are already speeding down the journey of life wondering what the heck to do now then Network Marketing can be a game changer for your retirement. It makes for a great avenue to meet new people, make new friends and network with those that are positive and adventurous. Spend your time planning your next exciting vacation instead of your next afternoon of playing cards or watching that dream stealing box called TV. Learn about new and exciting nutrition products that can bring great benefit to your health and help you live a longer, healthier life instead of piling up your next round of pharmaceutical poison. Plus you can create an extra income that can completely change the quality of life you get to live in this Golden time. The rewards of Network Marketing can be an extra $500 per month or $10,000 per month if you just spend a little time sharing your vision and telling others about Your Great Lifestyle! It’s a Glorious thing!retired-couple-beach-131106

You Are going to grow old, no way around it. You will have to face that time when you have to choose what direction you are going to be headed when these years sneak up on you. It should be a time that you put away the old daily commute, arrogant boss and stress of the daily work grind and start a new journey and a new direction. Network Marketing is Perfect for Anyone that wants to live this time with Joy and Purpose. So how will you spend this time? Don’t let retirement end up being a time of loneliness and depravity just wishing that someone would come and visit or deciding on what to buy, your medicine or some groceries. I know, it’s Tuff Love but it is reality and it really is your choice. This scenario is playing out every day all over the country and it comes to us all. We are now 56 years young and the thought of retirement is staring us down hard and fast. We choose to face this time in life with Excitement, Adventure and the best health we can muster. We choose Network Marketing because it offers the best of Health, Wealth and Happiness!

If you have an interest in a better retirement and a fuller life after 50 then we would love to connect with you and discuss what it is we are doing that might be of interest to you. You can always learn a little more, about who we are and what we do, by visiting our personal website at and reach out to us to start a conversation. We take this profession Very Serious because our livelihood and lifestyle depends on it. If you are willing to Commit, Educate and ACT you can change your direction as well and we are Here to Help! Retirement, what a Lovely concept! Do It Right!

Join the Simple Dream TEAM Today!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL on the beaches of the world! ! ! !

Ever Onward! cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream,
Dean and Dena Super Dream TEAM!

Are Vacations Good for Your Health?

Could a Vacation actually be good for your health? family-vacation

Research now proves that vacations are truly good for your physical health as well as your mental wellbeing. Today we want to bring you 7 ways to benefit from taking a vacation. The sad statistic is that only 4 out of 10 Americans will actually take their vacation time according to the U.S. Travel Association. Most skip out on taking their vacation due to the dreaded work pile they will encounter upon returning to their j.o.b. This is usually brought about by the “martyr” complex that leads people to believe that they are the only ones that can do their job, and sometimes, rightfully so.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics show that 9 million workers took a vacation in 1976 but only 7 million workers took a vacation in 2014. This survey found that most workers leave as much as 9.2 days of vacation unused and not taken advantage of here in America. Although some companies are encouraging a better balance between work, life and happiness many workers find it too stressful to take off like they should. Most U.S, workers have access to vacation time and it should be used for better health and wellbeing. Vacations are really good for you!

Here are 7 Ways to Benefit from Vacation:

  1. Better Health: It has been proven that taking time off from the day to day grind reduces stress which leads to less risk of heart disease of heart attacks. Vacations can get you out of the rat race and give you time to unwind mentally and physically, leading to less stress and better health.
  2. More Productive: Workers that take their vacation regularly are usually more productive upon returning to their work. Sometimes just getting away from work can give you the time you need to reset your mental clarity and return to work with more emphasis on your job and with a better work ethic.
  3.  Closer Family Relationship: One of the biggest benefits of taking a real Vacation is the effects on family relationships. This time spent enjoying family memories and adventures together become some of the most cherished family memories shared for many years to come. Family vacations help create better family bonds for the long term and bring families closer together in many ways.
  4. Newer Perspective: Sometimes we just need to step away from our daily grind to get a better perspective of what we are doing and why. These moments of clarity remind us why we do what we do day in and day out. It helps to bring focus and gives us a better perspective of where we are in life and what is really important to us. Sometimes the view from the outside looking in is somewhat different then what we see on the inside looking out and this different environment gives us a better internal view of life.
  5.  Increased Mental Power: All work and no play might make you feel powerful at your work place but it can really drain the brains ability to be its best. We can use vacation time to replenish this brain power and get better clarity of who we are and what it is that we work so hard for. This gives the mind time to rest and look at things in a different light to analyze our current situation. Sometimes this reset of our brain power leads to some of our best ideas.
  6. Lower Chance of Burn Out: This is a common problem in many work environments where people are working the grind 50 or even 60 hours a week, trying to keep everything going in one direction. Taking the time to go on vacation can break the cycle of Burn Out and increase your chance of not suffering burn out at work. Burn out is one of the biggest killers of work productivity and just causes more stress in the work place. Vacations break the cycle and allow you to step away long enough to reset yourself for a happier life.
  7.  Improved Mental Health: Vacation time gives us feelings of calm and relieves stress allowing the mind and body time to heal in ways it can’t when it’s under stress. Too often the stress from work not only brings us down mentally but can also affect our physical health that only brings on more mental stress. Vacations are a way to let your mind and body unwind and get away from the crazy life we live in the 9 to 5 grind. Vacation_Time
    Vacations can be Great for our health, wellbeing and overall Happiness. So, put the phone down, gather up the family and step away from the grind. Take this time to grow closer to the ones you love and spend time together. Again, PUT the Phone DOWN! If you are going to step away then Step Away from your work and normal grind. Don’t take the time to spend with your head down in your dumb phone. Get to know your kids, reconnect with your wife or significant other and truly spend the time together, not staring at the phone! Enjoy life and Love a Lot, play with your kids and let them know how much you really care. This time can heal many frustrating days when you just want to go crazy in the daily grind.

We want to help people Get Paid to live a Simple Life by enjoying more time with family and friends. Our goal is to help you create a lifestyle that brings about more freedom and security for you and your family and lifts you up to a better life. Vacations can be expensive but well worth it. finger-vacation

Want to know more about who we are and what we are all about? You can always find more info at our personal website at Get to know us and see what it is that we are doing that might benefit you greatly.

Simple TEAM!
Join us Today! You’ll be glad you did!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL! See you on the beaches of the world.

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream, deananddena
On Top of the World! Dean and Dena

Traffic, How and Where to Get It

There seems to be this magical, mystical ingredient that is keeping SO many people from achieving success. Anyone that is trying to get their opportunity or content is Always searching for it and everyone thinks it’s the magic ingredient they are missing, Well, they just might be right. Easy-Ways-to-Generate-Traffic-to-Your-Website

Traffic is King when it comes to getting your message out there. Everyone wants it and Needs it but many struggle to find it. Traffic can be the one ingredient that gets you business or keeps you from seeing the results you are truly after. Traffic, what is it anyway? Traffic is often referred to as having unique or repeat visitors to your site, blog or offering via capture pages or however you are trying to get your message out.

There are basically three types of traffic. The first is Paid Traffic or Traffic you control and can be very effective if you know how to do it and where to get it. The second is Traffic you do Not control or traffic that is organic or free. This type of traffic usually takes more time and effort but it doesn’t cost you to much to get and it’s great when your content or media delivers it to you. Don’t worry, we are going to break this down a bit as we go. The last is the Traffic that you Own and this is usually from your list. I know you have heard “The Money is in the List” and that is certainly correct. When you have spent the time and effort to create a list then you can take your offers, products or just content to your list and you get Instant traffic. So let’s break it down a bit.

paid-trafficPaid Traffic or traffic you control is just that. You create your offer be it capture page, video offering, blog post or what ever you are trying to get people to and you purchase visitors to your offer. The most important part of paid traffic is having a compelling offer that converts. You have to be able to grab someones attention quickly and make them Want To open your offering. We do this with email marketing, driving traffic to our blog post or driving them to a clever capture page to get them to opt into our mailing list or review our sales material. Paid traffic is very effective if done right and it can include PPC (pay per click) it can be solo ads (rent someones list) or now even Facebook advertising is very popular. The type of offer you are presenting often determines the type of paid traffic you go after. The Great thing about paid traffic is it can be “scaled” up or down. If your offer is converting and you are getting a good ROI (return on investment) from your ad or content then you can scale up to increase the amount of eyeballs that are viewing your offer. You can test different approaches and determine where you should drive more traffic or where to stop. Paid Traffic is Fantastic if done Right!

Organic Traffic is traffic you don’t really control but you get because of the work you have put into organic trafficyour content and blogs and such. If you are going to have a blog, which we HIGHLY recommend, then you can always insert specific keywords and SEO (search engine optimization) to bring you organic type traffic. Any site or blog that you create and post content to can have certain keywords that will be picked up by different search engines that will key on your content when people do searches in their favorite search engine. This takes some effort to create but once it is done it is Always there and you can get good, specific traffic from this effort. Blogs are one of the best ways to generate organic traffic because the search engines pick up on blog content really well, takes some effort up front but can pay dividends for years to come. This is why we call it Traffic you don’t control, it’s just brought to you from efforts you put into branding your self or your team. Everyone should be doing this if they are at all serious about being a Top Income Earner in Network Marketing.

List-BuildingThe last but Not least of these Traffic methods is traffic you Own! One of the most productive activities that you can undertake is the creation of your list. Once you build your list from people that have opted into your blog, capture page or simple capture form, then you can return to this list to present new offerings when ever you have them or just to keep your team informed on what is happening and relevant to your efforts. This is truly Traffic you own because you own your list. Whenever you post a new blog then create an email about your blog post and take it to your list, Instant Traffic! Have a new product to offer, take it to your list and Instant Traffic and instant sales. Your list becomes one of the biggest key ingredients to your traffic because you can create traffic any time you want it by just going to your list. “The Money is in the List!” Especially when it comes to traffic. If you have built your list then it cost you nothing to generate Instant Traffic to any offering you want to promote.

So the next time you are sitting there thinking “man if I just had some traffic?” you will know exactly how to get it. You can really get traffic anytime you want it you just need to make sure that what you are driving the traffic to is powerful and converts. All the traffic in the world will not make you money unless you have compelling content that converts visitors into prospects and prospects into SALES! Take the time to put together good content via your blog or website or what ever your media choice and then drive some traffic to it, test it and scale accordingly. Traffic is King!traffic

As always we invite you to get to know more about us and what we are doing to create Massive Success in Network Marketing. You can certainly visit our personal website at to learn more about what we are up to and why we Love the Lifestyle we are blessed to live. We call it “The Simple Life”, we come and go as we please, we live a simple and fulfilling life that most only dream about and we can show you how to do the same. Please reach out to us and let us know how we can Help You with the journey you want to create. We are all creators so why not create a life that fulfills you in every way! You can always catch us on Facebook by clicking here Dean and Dena on Facebook.

Can’t wait to meet you ALL!

Ever Onward! cause that’s how we Roll!

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena


Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream, deananddena
Dean and Dena

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