The Lighthouse vs Tug Boat Parable

A Lighthouse can help save boats.lighthouse
A Tug Boat can help save boats.

But both do so in a Dramatically different way!

The Tug Boat works feverishly to push and pull, hook and drag, always striving to help, or save a boat in need. In the process it works itself ragged trying to get itself and another safely to shore. Always working hard, 24 hours a day and always someone else to save.

The Lighthouse stands tall and steady shining its light for all to see. It does not boast or yell about its glory, it just Shines a beaming ray of light to show others the way. There is no pushing or pulling, no need to drag anyone ashore, it just Shines so others can find their way. Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there Shining the way.

tug boatThe Tug boat reminds me of the desperate Networker that is always pushing or tugging trying to get anyone and everyone to view their opportunity. They use hype and falsehood to promote hoping someone, anyone will just climb in the boat with them. Yelling about how great they and their opportunity are and yet they can not figure out why they just can’t seem to get traction.

The Lighthouse just stands tall, showing the way knowing that so many are looking for the light. They do not have to yell or run around boasting about their one and only opportunity, they just Shine. They keep the hope going and show people the way to Success. They are steadfast in their work and don’t let the opinion of others decide their fate, They just Shine!

There is a Simple way for you to find Success if that is what you are truly looking for. You don’t have to become a cheesy salesman, always yelling about your opportunity. Find the right Lighthouse and follow the path. You need someone that has the right opportunity, the tools and training to get you started, and most importantly the support to keep you going when you get lost in the fog. Then you can stand proud knowing that there are others looking for Your light as well. Position yourself as the Lighthouse and you won’t have to work like the Tugboat.shine

If you would like to see the light we are shining out to the marketplace, just visit our site and we can show you the way! We don’t have to be boastful or hyped about what we do, we just have to be the Lighthouse and the right people will seek and find a real way to Success.

Our Team has ALL the parts needed for a very Successful Home Based Business and we would love to share this light with you. You are welcome to visit our personal website at to get to know more about us and what we are all about. Success is a science not guess work. You have to have ALL the right parts and a game plan to execute the process to find True Success. Be the Solution, the Lighthouse, not part of the problem or the storm.

Want our Help? That’s what we’re here for. Visit our site and let us know what we can do to help shine the light on your dreams and goals for a better lifestyle today. Just reach out and we will be there.

Can’t wait to meet you ALL! ! !

Ever Onward! (like the Lighthouse)

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

deans phone 096

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