Twenty Years From Now

Mark Twain once wrote; “Twenty Years from now you will be more disappointed by the things You didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” mark-twain

Twenty years seem like such a long time, until it passes and you realize all those things you were going to accomplish have somehow gone unfinished. Life has a way of distracting our dreams and desires of our youth and sometimes, too often, keeps us in a situation that we really did not want. We get comfortable with our day to day life and just live in the now instead of our dreams,  letting life keep us in the box. Twenty Years from now, where will you be?

This “comfort zone” that we all hear so much about is the daily struggle to pay bills, take care of our family and just get by in life and we have All been there. Sometimes it’s easier to just go with what you know instead of breaking out and taking another path, a path less traveled but a journey to a better life. Only by taking risk and learning different skill sets do we change the direction we are headed and move forward toward a more fulfilling life. Another Great quote is; “Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it, the time will pass anyway.” ~Earl Nightingale.

So, Twenty Years from now, what are you going to be doing and where will you be in your journey called life? This time is going to go by way quicker than you think and twenty years from now you will look back and say, Wow that was great or darn I should have done something different. It’s Your story and you are writing it day by day, you are the author, creator and You control this story of you. What do you want your story to be about? Will it be about drama and all the negative situations that made up the last twenty years or will this story be about adventure and fun times with positive people all around with memories that will last a lifetime?

You-cant-always-controlYou can’t change the direction of the wind but you Can change the set of the sail. Are you steering the ship or just drifting in the wind? You have the very unique ability to learn new skills and change your thinking to adjust the direction of life if you just re-set the sail. There is So Much More you can accomplish if you just decide what you want, determine what it will take to get there and just make a plan to GO, no excuses accepted. If it’s new skills you need then find the training and learn the gig, do the work and reap the reward. Maybe it’s the “friends” you have or the ones you hang around with that keep you where you are. Or maybe it’s all in your head? Yeah I know, sometimes that’s the only place it needs to be to affect your daily habits. What ever it is that is holding you back is of your own making and only You can make the change.

Twenty Years from now don’t be disappointed by what you didn’t do just because you let it slip by. Fear is just False Emotions Appearing Real and it steals more peoples dreams than anything in life. You can lean a new skill and put a plan into action that will make a difference Twenty Years from now. You are more powerful than you think and you are more capable than you know but only You can keep your dreams alive. Only You have the power to move your life in a direction that You want it to go. Only You have control over the next Twenty Years.

There are SO many things I wished I had done in the last Twenty Years and so many things I want to do in the next Twenty Years. Twenty Years from now I will  be 73 and that is Amazing to say the least. The next Twenty Years are more important than the last because I have control over them where the last twenty are only a memory now. Oh, what I should have done and didn’t are just part of what I did do that makes us who we are and describes the value we bring to our life’s existence. Twenty Years From NOW, how Exciting is that?twenty years

We are on a mission to help others Elevate their Happiness and enjoy more of what life has to offer. We work in the Network Marketing arena because it gives an average person a chance to be Extraordinary. Yes you have to learn the skills and do the work but it way easier than going to school for years and years getting thousands and thousands of dollars in debt to become a lawyer or doctor or some other “professional” to make a living. If you just spent the next couple of years learning the simple skills need to excel at Network Marketing you could live the next Twenty Years in Amazing style. It’s your choice and your life and no one else can adjust your sail, it’s up to You!

If you are interested in what we do and how we do it, you can always learn more about our journey at our personal website Get to know us and see what we are up to that might be of benefit to you. Want to speak with us, all you have to do is reach out and have a conversation. If you want to know more about our mission to Live a Simple LIFE and Get Paid too, then click the link and join us, you will be glad you did.
Simple TEAM, Join us Today!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL, and to see you on the beaches of the world.

Ever Onward, cause that’s how we roll!

Dean and Dena

Simple Dream Team, SimpleDreamTeam, ADN, American Dream Nutrition, americandream4me, PhytoZon, Clear Heart, Wild Shiaga, Nu-Derma Gold, PTP Ultra Enhancer, ChagaPlus, Pure Aqua-Mins, American Dream, deanandden
Simple Dream TEAM!

I Fell into the Trap

As we go through life we sometimes let our mind dwell on ttraphings that we really have No control of. We fall into the trap of letting our own mind drift off into worries and strife that we couldn’t change if we wanted to. There is an old saying; “It’s all in your head”, well that is certainly a True statement.

Too often we give time and thought to worries and ideas that really have no effect on our daily life and yet we let our mind spend hours and hours dwelling on them and processing our assessment of these situations. Telling our selves that “if only it were different” and “that’s not what I would do” or “he/she really needs to change” and such. We fall into the trap of worrying about stuff we can’t control.

PoliticsPolitics is a Great example of this. We all fall for the hype and daily stories of he said, she said politics, the news of the day and all the nonsense of what the media portrays as important. Don’t get me wrong, there is some serious stuff going on in the world today, but I can’t change it. I can cast a vote and hope for the best but I can’t change what is going on in the politics of Washington. I, and I mean I, fall into this trap all the time. I read way too much news and get all uptight and wound up over stuff I can not change or have any control of. Why not spend that time on stuff that really matters in my life today?

Sometimes we spend too much time worrying about tomorrow that we forget to “LIVE” today. Spend your time being Grateful for what you have instead of unhappy about what you don’t have. Don’t fall into the trap of wasted energy worrying about how you wish things were instead of being so Thankful for what you have in your life that really matters. It’s your mind, Control it! Take control of your thoughts and change the way your mind spends it’s time and you can become the person you truly want to be.”It’s all in your mind”, make sure it’s positive and productive not negative and destructive.

Change your thoughts and you change your life. Stop spending so much time on things you have no control over and start living in today. What can you do Today that will make a difference tomorrow? It really is Your choice and You have control over your thoughts and the importance you give to different situations. It only matters as much as you are willing to let it matter. Remove negative thoughts and even negative people from your daily routine and you will see a Big difference in how you view life.your time

We all fall into the trap but only you can find your way out. Positive thoughts attract positive actions. Don’t let your mind trap you into being negative or even worse, hateful. Nothing good comes from hate. Stand guard at the door of your mind!

We try real hard to surround ourselves with some of the most Positive and Entrepreneurial minded people we can find. We lift each other up and give a helping hand to those who at least try to succeed in life. Be Positive Today! We don’t care where you have been but we sure care about where you are Now and where you want to go from here. Take control of your thoughts and you can change your life.

Please let us know what we can do that can help you avoid the “trap”. Need to be surrounded by Positive and Motivated people? Check out our group and see if it’s a good fit for you. We work daily on making our partners more Successful in every way, you could be the Next Big Success story!

You can always find us and all our contact info at so please feel free to drop by and let us know how we can help You.

Can’t wait to meet you ALL!

Ever Onward!


Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena



The Lighthouse vs Tug Boat Parable

A Lighthouse can help save boats.lighthouse
A Tug Boat can help save boats.

But both do so in a Dramatically different way!

The Tug Boat works feverishly to push and pull, hook and drag, always striving to help, or save a boat in need. In the process it works itself ragged trying to get itself and another safely to shore. Always working hard, 24 hours a day and always someone else to save.

The Lighthouse stands tall and steady shining its light for all to see. It does not boast or yell about its glory, it just Shines a beaming ray of light to show others the way. There is no pushing or pulling, no need to drag anyone ashore, it just Shines so others can find their way. Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there Shining the way.

tug boatThe Tug boat reminds me of the desperate Networker that is always pushing or tugging trying to get anyone and everyone to view their opportunity. They use hype and falsehood to promote hoping someone, anyone will just climb in the boat with them. Yelling about how great they and their opportunity are and yet they can not figure out why they just can’t seem to get traction.

The Lighthouse just stands tall, showing the way knowing that so many are looking for the light. They do not have to yell or run around boasting about their one and only opportunity, they just Shine. They keep the hope going and show people the way to Success. They are steadfast in their work and don’t let the opinion of others decide their fate, They just Shine!

There is a Simple way for you to find Success if that is what you are truly looking for. You don’t have to become a cheesy salesman, always yelling about your opportunity. Find the right Lighthouse and follow the path. You need someone that has the right opportunity, the tools and training to get you started, and most importantly the support to keep you going when you get lost in the fog. Then you can stand proud knowing that there are others looking for Your light as well. Position yourself as the Lighthouse and you won’t have to work like the Tugboat.shine

If you would like to see the light we are shining out to the marketplace, just visit our site and we can show you the way! We don’t have to be boastful or hyped about what we do, we just have to be the Lighthouse and the right people will seek and find a real way to Success.

Our Team has ALL the parts needed for a very Successful Home Based Business and we would love to share this light with you. You are welcome to visit our personal website at to get to know more about us and what we are all about. Success is a science not guess work. You have to have ALL the right parts and a game plan to execute the process to find True Success. Be the Solution, the Lighthouse, not part of the problem or the storm.

Want our Help? That’s what we’re here for. Visit our site and let us know what we can do to help shine the light on your dreams and goals for a better lifestyle today. Just reach out and we will be there.

Can’t wait to meet you ALL! ! !

Ever Onward! (like the Lighthouse)

Spreadin the Love
Dean and Dena

deans phone 096

Time is Not Your Friend

There are very few things we have in life that are more precious thTIME-OUT-LOGOan time. Time, I’m told, changes Everyone and Everything. We’re all born with all the Time in the World, or so it seems in your youth, then Time just passes by. Like a slow moving wind it just slips away until you realize that, Time is Not Your Friend.

Time has a wonderful way of showing us what Really matters. The very things we thought were so important as a young man and woman tend to change over time. We chase the job, the next big promotion, the new car and status and all those things we thought were so important and were going to make us so happy and yet it just made you want more. Next time, Sometime, Another time, what does it matter, we got plenty of Time.

Time-1024x861But then one day you realize that Today needs to be “that day” and Now is definitely the time. The wake up call happens and you start to think that if I don’t do IT now, then when the heck am I gonna get to it. You said you would do it in time, you just didn’t realize that time was not an infinite source. In fact, our lives are but a blink in the scope of humanity and as much as we would like to pause, hold on, step off and just stop time, we can not.

Life teaches us to make good use of time, while time teaches us the Value of Life. You only get so much time so you better make the best of what you were blessed with. No one can predict time and time waits for no one. And, once the time has passed it is gone forever. You can certainly look back and reflect on it but you can not go back and replay times past. The time will pass if you’re ready or not.

So, don’t waste your precious time on all those things that don’t really matter anyway. All things in life are only as important as we choose them to be. Sometimes things seem So Important in the moment only to realize later that it was just another moment in time. Be careful as your time passes, please make sure that what you spend your time on IS what really matters in the end.your time

Time is not your friend because we only have so much time to spend. Do what you Love to do Today, because tomorrow, You might be out of Time.

I pondered this post for months wondering if I was just rambling, was it worth the time? I saved it to draft and would come back time after time until I decided, this is what I have to say! Time is SOOOO Precious and sometimes we forget to enjoy life trying to make a living.

Take care of your time.

We take care of ours by living a very simple life. We are blessed to be able to live like we want, get up when we want, do what we want and just be who we want to be. It really is a Great Simple Life!

Want to know more about what we do and why then just visit our personal site at Check us out and get to know us a bit to see if what we do might be of interest to you?

Time for Change - ClockTake time to figure out what YOU want in your life and stop worrying about what everyone else wants in your life.

If we can help, just drop us a line. We got some time to share!

Can’t wait to meet you ALL! ! !

Spreadin the Love!
Dean and Dena


Simple Success Formula

Everyone wants to complicate Success. It’s treated as a magical mindset that somehow leads to this mystical realm of being that only the special people reach. Well wrong, Success is defined as an “Accomplishment of a desired end” and it certainly means something different to each and everyone of us.

Success is simply a “result or desired outcome” and can be accomplished by anyone, anytime and should be celebrated in everyday life. Success is realizing that you actually accomplished something you set out to do, so, Success is a Victory!

Reading the great teachings of Tony Robbins, he has a Simple Success Formula that is very powerful and I would like to touch on that today.

There are four basic components of Success. These are Potential, Action, Results and Belief or Certainty. So let’s break each down to discover this Simple Success Formula.success formula

Potential: We all have potential and that potential is what motivates us to seek out, discover and research an idea, a business or desired outcome. Potential simply means “That which is possible”. Once you realize that your desired outcome has potential you start to realize that you can accomplish this and that it really is possible. You see others doing it or your experience leads you to believe that you too can achieve this desired outcome. Potential is what gets you started in the right direction and leads you to, “Action”!

Action: All the potential in the world makes no move without Action. Action simply means “To Do or Act of Doing”,  and yet somehow, this is where most people miss the boat. To accomplish any desired outcome you have to Do Something! Your potential should lead you to develop a game plan but only when you actually take action do you move toward your goal or desire. All the knowledge in the world is just info until you take action and make the process move forward. The most successful people in the world are not the smartest, they just toomassive actionk Massive Action. Action is one of the biggest elements for Success. Once you take action you get “Results”.

Results: Results are the Proof that the potential was accurate and the action led to a desired outcome. Results are what we are all really after anyway but you have to realize the potential, take massive action to get results. The result is the product of what you are trying to accomplish. But, don’t get too hung up on “results”. Too often people will take an idea, commit it to action and then just sit back and wait on results. If your idea is good and your action is massive then the results will take care of them selves. Don’t let the results get in the way of taking action. Keep taking massive action and you Will Get Results.

Belief or Certainty: This leads to the faith that you are on the right course, heading in the right direction and doing what needs to be done. This certainty acknowledges that it is possible, the action is good and the results are coming in. You create a stronger belief in what you are doing and that it can be done. This belief leads to more “potential” and that potential leads you to take bigger “action” which gets you more “results” and strengthens your beliefs even more. This is the Simple Success Formula.make it happen deananddena

Whatever you are working on or trying to accomplish can be done if you just stick to the formula. Create a plan, Take Massive Action, monitor your Results so that it strengthens your Certainty that you are on the right track. Don’t get hung up on any one component or wait for things to come to you. Make a plan and get after it, the results will come so believe in your self and Move Forward. The real “secret” to accomplish anything is Massive Action. Massive Action moves you forward starts spinning the wheel of Success faster and faster. Remember, all the potential in the world does nothing until you take action.

It can work in reverse even if your not careful. You can have great potential but fail to take action which will lead to less results and more doubt about what you are doing. That is a vicious cycle that leads to failure and sadness. Don’t go there, you are capable of SO Much More if you just try. Take this Simple Formula for Success and use it to move your life experience forward. You can find Success if you just try.

Hope this helps move you forward on your journey to Success. We use this formula in every aspect of our business and we know it works. Thanks to Tony Robbins for laying it out in such a simple format that helps us all understand the basic formula for Success.stay-positive

We would love to hear from you about what it is that you want to accomplish and how we can help move your journey forward through a Successful Home based Business. We are here to help!

If you would like to know more about who we are and what we do just visit our personal website at and get to know us a little more. Connect with us and share your Dreams and desires you have for Your journey.

Can’t wait to meet you all. Please leave a comment below if this helped out in any way.

To Your Massive Success!

Ever Onward!
Dean and Dena


deans phone 096

Is Your Biscuit Cooked?

Bill called and said he was ready for a change. He was in a financial bind with bills to pay and needed to make some extra money. Pretty common story actually because just like Bill there are a lot of people that live paycheck to paycheck just trying to survive. Bill had reached a point that he didn’t have much choice but to look for something, anything that could help him and his family out, sound familiar?bills

Bill asked a dozen questions about what we do and how it works. He wondered most if “He could do it?” to which I explained that it was totally up to him “if he could do it?”. I told him that it was absolutely possible because others were doing “it” and that they are just ordinary people, no smarter than himself, they just made a decision to move forward and educated themselves and take action. See, their biscuit was cooked!

Everyone has to come to that point where they are Extremely Motivated to act. Until you reach the point in your life where you are determined to move, make a difference and commit to education and action then your biscuit is Not cooked.

If your biscuit is still rising and soft and not ready then you will not have enough drive to move forward. Only when you reach that place in your life where “You Must move forward” and find a better way will you be able to “do it”. The real question becomes “Are you willing?”.


People tell us all the time about how “ready” they are and all the big things they are going to do, but talk is cheap and all that don’t mean squat if you don’t ACT. Until you reach the point where you are willing to make changes to what you are currently doing can you expect to achieve a different outcome. “IS Your biscuit cooked?”

For some “it” looks good and they have good intentions but they just wish they could do it. For others, they have reached that point in life that they are tired of where they are, they are tired of their current situation and it’s time for a change. Their biscuit is cooked!

I explained to Bill that we could show him all the things he needs to do to make his current situation better but it was Totally up to him as to whether he “could do it”. Like the old saying “You can lead a horse to water But can’t make him drink”. I can show you all you Need to do but I have no idea if you will actually do “It”. We don’t know if your biscuit is cooked or if you are soft and not ready. horse

If your biscuit IS cooked and you are ready for Real Change, then you will push yourself to Commit, Educate and ACT! It really is that simple. So if you are asking yourself “Can I do this?” the real answer lies within You. We can show you step by step what to do, give you all the tools to do it, and show you how others are doing it too. But if you just talk about it, whine about it and just wish you were doing it, then your biscuit is not cooked. Don’t let life get in the way of pursuing your dreams. Push Yourself to do more, be more and have MORE! It’s up to you!

Oh yeah, I know, your busy and there just ain’t enough time to do it. You have the exact same amount of hours, minutes and seconds as anyone here, it’s what you do with it that makes the difference. Prioritize your time, make a plan and Commit, Educate and ACT! You Can Do This!

success stairsIs your biscuit cooked? Have you reached that point where you are willing, whatever it takes? If so then reach out to us and find out what we are doing that might help you make that change. Only you can take the first step. Need some help? Need someone to show you what works and what is a waist of time? Then find someone that is doing what you want to do and learn. It is Not that difficult it just takes commitment, education and Action.

Bill went on to do well, he decided that it was his time and Now was best for him. His biscuit was cooked and he was Ready. Like Bill, you can make this a real time for change and enhance your experience in this life. Just Do IT!

Want to know more about us? You are more than welcome to visit our personal website at to learn a little more about us and what we do. You will find All our contact info and ways to connect with us so that we might help you along the way. It’s Your Journey and we would love to share it with you.

Just reach out, we be Glad to Help!

To Your Massive Success!

~Ever Onward!~
Dean and Dena

Spreadin the Love! ! ! ! !

deans phone 096

Do You have Smart Goals?


Well, it’s that time of year again where everyone thinks they need to make a New Year’s Resolution. Because they set them last year and that worked out so well that certainly, it should be done again. The sad reality is that most people don’t even remember what it was they said much less what got accomplished. But at least we set those “Resolutions”, right?

I hear a lot about a “resolution” around New Year because that is the tradition, everyone does it. But any other time it’s just referred to as a “Goal”, or desired action pursued with a serious effort to accomplish. The problem is that usually New Year’s Resolutions are very temporary because they are merely a strong wish with no serious effort, if any effort at all. Most Resolutions are just suggestions in a passing conversation that occur about January 1st due to the traditions passed down over time. And it goes way back to Babylonians and even the Romans with promises to their Gods’ at the beginning of each year.

But, as smart-goalsopposed to “vague resolutions” made in moments of tradition, a Goal is a better way to Resolve issues you wish to address. A Goal is a measured desire that should contain a time frame and relevant accomplishment. Some call this a “SMART Goal” that has meaning, measurement and a time limit. In fact the word SMART actually stands for a Specific, Measured, Attainable, Realistic and Timely action.

Specific should mean just that. Don’t make your Goal a vague statement like “I need more money” or “I’m gonna pay off debt”. While that sounds great, what does it Really mean. More money, is that a dollar, five hundred dollars, $32,427.67 or what? If you need more money then set your goal to reach a specific amount and graduate that to a specific time frame. I need $300 dollars by this month, I want that to grow to an Extra $1,000 per month by April, I want to replace my income by this time next year! Those are Goals! and they are specific to what you want and when. Doesn’t matter what your goal is just make sure it is Very Specific and Defined. How are you going to know when you got there if it is not a Specific Destination?

Measured means it is deliberate or calculated. You have to know where you are starting, relative to your desired out come, and what is the increase in value as you move forward. Again, how will you know you accomplished your goal if you don’t know where you are now and at what amount will you be happy. This is another problem with resolutions and their vague wishes, You have to be Specific in what you want and Measure your progressmake it happen deananddena along the way.

Attainable? Really? what a concept! If you set a Goal that is completely unrealistic then you just set yourself up for more trouble. You need to have small goals and large goals. This includes goals that you can accomplish in the short term, medium term and certainly long term. You need the short term goals like, what are you going to do today, this week, this month that are going to make a difference. Of course it has to be measured, or how will you know you got there or accomplished this goal? But make your goals something you are actually capable of achieving with success. Now don’t be afraid to set Big Goals, the ones that make you sweat, just make sure it is realistic. Big Goals can be a Great motivator toward your long term desire and should be well thought out and strategic. Don’t just say, I want to be a millionaire by years end, the chances of that actually happening are pretty slim. But, you could set a goal to create an extra income of $2,000 per month by November 30th of this year. That is a specific, measurable, and attainable goal that would be a marked success when accomplished.

The R is quoted as “realistic” and some say “relevant”. I say both are a good idea. Your goals should be realistic and attainable but they also need to be relevant to your long term plan. If you are going to the trouble of setting a goal make sure that it moves you closer to your desired end result. All the small goals lead up to the medium goals that all lead toward your long term plan. If you plan is to make more money and quit your job then your goals should move you in that direction. If your goal is to loose weight then the goals you set should be relevant to the process of loosing the specific, measured, attainable amount of weight relative to your goal. Just make sure you are not setting goals that have nothing to do with your long term plan. Decide what your main objective is and layout a plan of Action that will take you there.

And tTime-1024x861hen there is the “Time” factor. You see, this is where goals are most different than resolutions. Most resolutions are just spoken wishes that would be great if it really happened. But a Goal is a “written” game plan that has all the steps to get to your end result and each step has a time limit. A goal says I am going to accomplish this part of my plan by this date and that part of the plan by that date. Placing a time factor on each of your desired actions will create a sense of urgency and let you know if you are making the progress needed to get there. Again, be very specific with your goal and this means you know the time frame that it will take to complete. Now this does not mean that if you miss your time by a small factor that the goal is a failure because none of us can predict the future. Things do happen, life gets in the way sometimes but that should never change the desire of the goal. When things come up, just re-evaluate your goal and set a new time frame but Always keep moving forward on your goals.

So this year don’t fall in the trap of vague resolutions set some Goals. Be Specific about your goal, make sure you can Measure your results, set goals that are realistically attainable in the short term and long and make sure they are Relevant to the cause and set a Time frame to make the accomplishment. For goals to get any traction at all in your daily habits they have to be written out and reviewed. Make sure you write your goals down, keep them handy and go over them frequently to make sure you are still on track. Goals are a Great way to move your life to a higher experience and actually accomplish what it is that you most desire. A desire is just a wish until you make a plan and write it down on paper.

This is the year that you canHappy-New-Year-2015-Goals-Images make Great progress on your resolutions by turning them into written Goals. We are putting much thought into our goals and they are certainly written down so that we can constantly review, re-adjust and keep moving forward to what we want to accomplish this year. We hope that you are doing the same by setting “SMART Goals” for 2015.

We invite you to get to know who we are and see what we have planned for the new year. This is the year that big things are happening and we would love to help you achieve your goals and enhance your life experience. You can find out more about us by visiting our personal website at Let’s make this year a Fantastic New Year to change and improve as many lives a possible.

Can’t wait to meet you all! Please let us know what we can do to help move your journey forward.

Ever Onward!
Dean and Dena

Spreadin the Love!deananddena

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